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With latest trends in Database technologies its time for us to adopt and understand what these new database technologies are offering and at same time what they lacks.

This page is dedicated for MongoDB articles, Stay tuned, the links will be enabled in few days time.

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 1:  Features & Terminology Comparison

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 2:  Architecture & Components


Physical Layer

Configuration File & Options

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 3: MongoDB Operations & Data Model

Data Model & Design (Database,Collections,Documents)

DML operations on MongoDB

Querying MongoDB - Examples

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 3: High Availability Features (Basic Availability)




MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 4: Creating Standalone MongoDB Database

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 5: Converting Standalone MongoDB Database to Single Replicaset

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 6: Converting Single Replica Set to Sharded ReplicatSet (Cluster)

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 7: Adding a New Shard to Cluster

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 8: Understanding DataDistribution between shards

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 9: Node Evictions (loss of replicaset)

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 9: Node Evictions - Losing a shard

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 10: Swithover/Role Transition between primary and secondary replicaset

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 11: Enabling Preferred Read on Standby/ReplicaSet instances

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 11: Backup & Recovery


Incremental Snapshots

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 12: Dictionary or Metadata

Config Database Instances

Mongos Instance

Admin Database

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 13: Creating Users and Roles

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 14: Network Settings

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 15: Performance Troubleshooting

Current Operations

Understanding Bottlnecks

Tools - mongostat/mongotop etc

Understanding Data Distribution for Collection

Generating Execution Plan 

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 16: Capacity Planning

Working Sets for Memory Estimation

Disk I/O for Disk Capacity

When to add a Shard

MongoDB for Oracle DBA's Part 17: Where MongoDB can go wrong