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MongoDB for Oracle DBA’s Part 9 : Node Evictions

In MongoDB the high availability is called as basic availability, means in event a primary replicaset lost , the secondary can become primary with in that replicaset. But when the whole shard is down (including all nodes within that replicaset) then there is no High Availability, the data is partially available with respects to the nodes that are available as such of non shared storage, (well its the basis for a distributed processing system )

In this post we will see, What if a Primary Node is down with in replicaset  (as like below), how other nodes elect primary

Case 1:- Primary Node eviction with in replicaset

In our configuration, the Replicaset RS0 is sitting on shard1 with nodes 0 (port 47018) , 1 (port 47019) and 2 (port 47020)

So if we kill the process for node 0 in the RS0 , then the secondary nodes can become primary.

Let's check the process for shard1, RS0 and kill the primary node

### Kill the mongo process of replicaset rs0 , node 11-24T02

ps -eaf | grep mongo

root@wash-i-03aaefdf-restore /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/2/logs $ ps -eaf | grep mongo

root     21695     1  1 Nov23 ?        00:18:14 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0.conf

root     21678     1  1 Nov23 ?        00:18:14 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs1.conf

root     21744     1  1 Nov23 ?        00:18:03 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs2.conf

root     21827     1  0 Nov23 ?        00:05:05 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/mongoc/mongoc.conf

root     21844     1  0 Nov23 ?        00:05:26 mongos -f /backups/data/cluster/mongos/mongos.conf

root     22075     1  0 Nov23 ?        00:11:31 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard2/rs0.conf

root     22096     1  0 Nov23 ?        00:10:25 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard2/rs1.conf

root     22117     1  0 Nov23 ?        00:10:26 mongod -f /backups/data/cluster/shard2/rs2.conf

root     29699 27585 78 13:24 pts/0    00:06:03 mongo

root     29882 29287  0 13:30 pts/2    00:00:00 mongo localhost:47020

root     29951 29515  0 13:32 pts/3    00:00:00 grep mongo

### Kill the process ID 21695 

kill -9 21695

##### Verify the logs for rs0 node 1, 2 (secondary nodes)

As you see below , the Node 0 got killed, the Node 1 with in the replicaset recognises it and the heartbeat failed(in red), then an election mechanism has been happened (in green) and a New primary has been selected and the Node 1 (secondary node) is selected as primary.

tail -20f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/1/logs/rs0.log

2016-11-24T13:23:30.169+1100 I NETWORK  [SyncSourceFeedback] SocketException: remote: (NONE):0 error: 9001 socket exception [RECV_ERROR] server []

2016-11-24T13:23:30.169+1100 I REPL     [SyncSourceFeedback] SyncSourceFeedback error sending update: network error while attempting to run command 'replSetUpdatePosition' on host 'localhost:47018'

2016-11-24T13:23:30.169+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:23:30.169+1100 I REPL     [SyncSourceFeedback] updateUpstream failed: HostUnreachable network error while attempting to run command 'replSetUpdatePosition' on host 'localhost:47018' , will retry


2016-11-24T13:23:35.171+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:23:40.114+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Starting an election, since we've seen no PRIMARY in the past 10000ms

2016-11-24T13:23:40.114+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] conducting a dry run election to see if we could be elected

2016-11-24T13:23:40.114+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] dry election run succeeded, running for election

2016-11-24T13:23:40.115+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] VoteRequester: Got failed response from localhost:47018: HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:23:40.115+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] election succeeded, assuming primary role in term 3

2016-11-24T13:23:40.115+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] transition to PRIMARY

2016-11-24T13:23:40.115+1100 W REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] The liveness timeout does not match callback handle, so not resetting it.


2016-11-24T13:23:40.175+1100 I REPL     [rsSync] transition to primary complete; database writes are now permitted

2016-11-24T13:23:40.219+1100 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #7 (4 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:23:40.219+1100 I SHARDING [conn7] remote client initialized this host as shard rs0

2016-11-24T13:23:40.219+1100 I SHARDING [ShardingState initialization] first cluster operation detected, adding sharding hook to enable versioning and authentication to remote servers

2016-11-24T13:23:40.219+1100 I SHARDING [ShardingState initialization] Updating config server connection string to: localhost:37019

2016-11-24T13:23:40.221+1100 I NETWORK  [ShardingState initialization] Starting new replica set monitor for rs0/localhost:47018,localhost:47019,localhost:47020

2016-11-24T13:23:40.221+1100 I NETWORK  [ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher] starting

### Check the Replicaset Node 2 log

Initially a Socket Exception with Node 0, for port 47018 and connection refused then after a while the Secondary Node recognises that current Primary is Node 1 (in green) and trying to sync. And still trying to reach the node 0 (old primary)

tail -20f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/2/logs/rs0.log

2016-11-24T13:23:30.168+1100 I NETWORK  [SyncSourceFeedback] SocketException: remote: (NONE):0 error: 9001 socket exception [RECV_ERROR] server []

2016-11-24T13:23:30.168+1100 I REPL     [SyncSourceFeedback] SyncSourceFeedback error sending update: network error while attempting to run command 'replSetUpdatePosition' on host 'localhost:47018'

2016-11-24T13:23:30.168+1100 I NETWORK  [conn3] end connection (5 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:23:30.168+1100 I REPL     [SyncSourceFeedback] updateUpstream failed: HostUnreachable network error while attempting to run command 'replSetUpdatePosition' on host 'localhost:47018' , will retry

2016-11-24T13:23:30.169+1100 I NETWORK  [conn6] end connection (3 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] could not find member to sync from

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 W REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] The liveness timeout does not match callback handle, so not resetting it.

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 I ASIO     [ReplicationExecutor] dropping unhealthy pooled connection to localhost:47018

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 I ASIO     [ReplicationExecutor] after drop, pool was empty, going to spawn some connections

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:23:30.171+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:23:30.172+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused


2016-11-24T13:23:40.172+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Member localhost:47019 is now in state PRIMARY

2016-11-24T13:23:40.174+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused


2016-11-24T13:23:45.173+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] syncing from: localhost:47019

2016-11-24T13:23:45.174+1100 I REPL     [SyncSourceFeedback] setting syncSourceFeedback to localhost:47019

2016-11-24T13:23:45.174+1100 I ASIO     [NetworkInterfaceASIO-BGSync-0] Successfully connected to localhost:47019


2016-11-24T13:23:45.175+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

### Check the Status , Connect to Node 2 (port 47019) specifically and check replicaset status, output is edited for brevity

As you see in Below, I marked red color for the Node 0, which states it not reachable and Node 1 which becomes current primary and Node 2 still as secondary.

mongo localhost:47019

MongoDB Enterprise rs0:SECONDARY> rs.status()


        "set" : "rs0",


        "syncingTo" : "localhost:47019",

        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),

        "members" : [


                        "_id" : 1,

                        "name" : "localhost:47018",

                        "health" : 0,

                        "state" : 8,

                        "stateStr" : "(not reachable/healthy)",

                        "uptime" : 0,


                        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "Connection refused",

                        "configVersion" : -1



                        "_id" : 2,

                        "name" : "localhost:47019",


                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",

                        "uptime" : 92823,


                        "electionTime" : Timestamp(0, 0),

                        "electionDate" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),

                        "configVersion" : 1



                        "_id" : 3,

                        "name" : "localhost:47020",


                        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",

                        "uptime" : 92824,


                        "syncingTo" : "localhost:47019",

                        "configVersion" : 1,

                        "self" : true



        "ok" : 1


MongoDB Enterprise rs0:SECONDARY>

### Lets bring up the Node 0

mongod -f //backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/rs0.conf

about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.

forked process: 30107

child process started successfully, parent exiting

### check the logs of node 1,2 of replicaset rs0

As per logs, it says connection accepted and Node 0 i.e 47018 becomes online and joins as Secondary and Node 1 still primary

tail -20f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/1/logs/rs0.log

2016-11-24T13:40:33.628+1100 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #15 (8 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:40:33.628+1100 I NETWORK  [conn15] end connection (7 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:40:33.630+1100 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #16 (8 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:40:34.667+1100 I ASIO     [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to localhost:47018

2016-11-24T13:40:34.668+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Member localhost:47018 is now in state SECONDARY


tail -20f /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/2/logs/rs0.log

2016-11-24T13:40:31.730+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Error in heartbeat request to localhost:47018; HostUnreachable Connection refused

2016-11-24T13:40:33.628+1100 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #10 (5 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:40:33.628+1100 I NETWORK  [conn10] end connection (4 connections now open)

2016-11-24T13:40:33.731+1100 I ASIO     [NetworkInterfaceASIO-Replication-0] Successfully connected to localhost:47018

2016-11-24T13:40:33.731+1100 I REPL     [ReplicationExecutor] Member localhost:47018 is now in state SECONDARY

2016-11-24T13:40:39.631+1100 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #12 (6 connections now open)


### check rs.status by connecting to any of the replicaset node directly, now the 47018 the primary node showing as SECONDARY

root@wash-i-03aaefdf-restore /backups/data/cluster/shard1/rs0/1/logs $ mongo localhost:47018

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1

connecting to: localhost:47018/test

MongoDB Enterprise rs0:SECONDARY> rs.status()


        "set" : "rs0",

        "date" : ISODate("2016-11-24T02:43:18.815Z"),

        "myState" : 2,

        "term" : NumberLong(3),

        "syncingTo" : "localhost:47020",

        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),

        "members" : [


                        "_id" : 1,

                        "name" : "localhost:47018",

                        "health" : 1,

                        "state" : 2,

                        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",

                        "uptime" : 195,



                        "_id" : 2,

                        "name" : "localhost:47019",

                        "health" : 1,

                        "state" : 1,

                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",




                        "_id" : 3,

                        "name" : "localhost:47020",

                        "health" : 1,

                        "state" : 2,

                        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",

                        "uptime" : 165,


        "ok" : 1


MongoDB Enterprise rs0:SECONDARY>

Next Post: Case 2, What if an entire shard is down with all nodes in replicaset.


Geek DBA

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