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Been a long time RDBMS DBA , its may be time to focus on other database technologies like NOSQL and the first one is the Cassandra, I tried to write the posts in the way that a traditional DBA thinks of general tasks, backup recovery, performance issues, high availability etc. Hope you will like it. 

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 1 - Important Features & Tools Comparison

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 2 - Three things you should know

NOSQL, Column Store & Distributed System

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 3 - Architecture 

Memory Components of Cassandra




Partition Index Summary Cache

Logical Storage Components of Cassandra


Column Family Aka Table


Physical Storage Components of Cassandra


COMMITLOG & Archives 

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 4: Data Distribution across nodes in Cassandra


Replication of Data to Nodes 

Replication Factor at keyspace level

Parameter Files in Cassandra


Other Parameter files

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 5: Read & Write Consistencies

Consistency Level for Reads

Consistency Level at table level 

How a Read Happen in Cassandra - Demonstration

How a Write Happen in Cassandra - Demonstration

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 5 - High Availability

Data Centre & RACK

GOSSIP & Failure Detection

Hinted Hand offs

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 6 - Installing Cassandra



Starting & Stopping Cassandra

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 7 - Adding & Deleting Nodes

Adding a node eventually rebalance the data (aka sstables) to new nodes

Deleting a node eventually rebalance the data (aka sstables) to existing nodes

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 8 - Data Dictionary Overview

SYSTEM Keypsace


Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 9 - User Management

Parameters to consider

Creating User

Granting Permissions


Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 10 : Commitlogs (Managing Archivelogs & Redologs)

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 11: Alert logs & Tracing

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 12 : Client Connections & Timeouts 

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 13 : Memory Management

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 14: Tombstones – Undo type structures

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 15 : Partition Merging & Compacting

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 16 : Shutting Down Best Practices

Cassandra for Oracle DBA Part 17: Tracing Sessions

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 17: Backup & Recovery


Snapshots at node level

No global snapshots

Manual maintenance (no rman tool kind)

Incremental backups, actually pointers to original sstables


Manual recovery

Replace whole set of sstables from snapshot and repair node

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 18 : Change of Replication Factor & Repair Nodes

RF=1 (no way to retrieve data)



Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 10 - Node Evictions & Node Recovery

Node evictions

Gossip Protocol and Phi-Fee Failure Detection mechanism

Instance recovery aka node recovery

Hinted Handoffs 

Node repair

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 11 - Upgrading

Create New Cluster

Create Keyspaces in new cluster

Crete Tables in new cluster

Upgrade SSTABLES using ssupgradetables

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 13- Health Checks

Cassandra for Oracle DBA's Part 14 - Performance Tuning

Java heap sizing (aka sga)

Replication Factors Adjustments

Consistent Level Adjustments

Understanding Latencies