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Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s – Part 1 : Nomenclature or Commands or Features Comparision

Although, there are heaps of fundamental changes between Oracle & Cassandra,

Just for fun, or for nomenclature or for commands or similar features are listed here , which may provide handy information to Oracle DBA's

Oracle Keyword Cassandra Feature / Nomenclature
SGA Java Heap Memory
Buffer Cache Memtables
LRU List Parition Index Summary Cache
Buffer Cache Partition Key Cache
KeepPool/Result Cache Row Cache
Background Process Nothing Like that
Dictionary Cache Nothing Like That
Tablespace Keyspace
Table Column Family/Table
Datafiles SSTABLES
Index Index for partition key
Partition Key for row level Partition Key as column level to store relevant rows
Merge Partition Compaction of SSTABLES
sql_trace = on tracing on
C and ANSI SQL Java and CQL
Schema Keyspace
User User
SYSDBA SuperUser
Backup Copies SNAPSHOTS
Incremental Incremental Backups
redolog commitlog
undo tombstone
Temp Data Actually Stores in Order no need of temp
Interconnect Protocol RDP/UDP Gossip Protocol
Network /Disk Heartbeat Only one heartbeat network heartbeat in messages
Master / Slave Nodes Peer Nodes (no master) indeed every node act as coordinator
Shared Storage Local Storage to each node
ASM Striping Tokens: Data Stripes using token range at node level
ASM Mirroring Replication Factor: Data Mirrors across nodes using RF=ONE, ALL, N..
Disk Repair Time Hinted Handoffs
Prefered_read_failgroup, diskgroup level table level / query level CL=QUORUM, LOCAL, ONE, ALL
init.ora or spfile.ora cassandra.yaml in /softwarelocation/conf/
redo log sizes & location commitlog size determined by parameters in cassandra.yaml file commitlog_directory
redo log flush commitlog flush determined by parameter commitlog_segment_size_in_mb,commitlog_sync_period_in_ms,commitlog_sync
archives commitlog will be copied as archives determined by parameter cassandra/conf/
alert log/crsd.log/node.log Log located at /cassandrasoftware/clustername/nodename/logs/system.log
crsctl / srvctl nodetool
Rebalance of Data in diskgroups nodetool repair or nodetool repair -st -et
private network or private ips no private ip's
OCR/Voting Disk Nothing Like that, but maintains list of peer nodes to communicate using seeds parameter in cassandra.yaml
scn_to_timestamp or rowscn functions writetime function
alter session set schema use keyspace
dbms_metadata.get_ddl  desc tablename or describe keyspace shows metadata
v$asm_operation, rebalance operation nodetool netstats or nodetool tpstats
cssd.log (disk heartbeat and network heartbeat) nodetool gossipinfo
size of table: bytes in dba_tables Because the table data is striped across the nodes, For each node, calculate Space used (total), bytes: output from

nodetool cfstats keyspace.tablename


num of rows in table: num_rows in dba_tables Because the table row/columns are striped across the nodes, for each node, calculate Number of Keys (estimate) from

Number of keys (estimate):

Number of keys (estimate): 10112

size of Tablespace / Schema: sum(bytes)  in dba_segments For each node, calculate the Space Used (total), bytes: output from 

nodetool cfstats system | grep "Space Used (total)"  | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print SUM/1024/1024 }'

Size of Buffer Cache For each node, calculate the each keyspace memtables count

nodetool cfstats | grep "Memtable data size"  | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print SUM/1024/1024 }'

Flush Buffer Cache nodetool flush keyspace tablename
Size of result cache Row Cache 
undo_retention gc_grace_seconds for holding tombstones nodetool join
crsctl delete node nodetool decomission

and then when status show decommissioned ,

nodetool remove token

result cache size  / keep pool size row_cache_size_in_mb
multiple dbwr writers memtable_flush_writers parameter in cassandra.yaml parameter file
buffer cache flushing (3 seconds,ckpt etc) memtable_cleanup_threshold parameter in cassandra.yaml
Shutdown instance, srvctl stop instance nodetool -h $(hostname) -p 8080 disablegossip

nodetool -h $(hostname) -p 8080 dissablethrift

nodetool -h $(hostname) -p 8080 drain

/etc/init.d/cassandra stop

crsctl status cluster nodetool status o nodetool ring or nodetool describecluster
rman>backup tablespace tag 'today' For each node,

backup keyspace -t today

backup keyspace.table -t today

rman> backup incremental tag 'incr' Just enable incremental_backups: true in cassandra.yaml file, which creates incremental snapshots when take snapshot using backup keyspace -t
rebuild index or reorg table rebuild index keyspace tablename idx1, idx2
logical recovery

rman> recover block 57;

rman> recover datafile

logical recovery at table level

scrub [keyspace] [tablename] [-s|--skip-corrupted]

restricted mode? nodetool drain
statistics Nothing like that

6 comments to Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s – Part 1 : Nomenclature or Commands or Features Comparision