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AIOUG – Sangam 17 – I am Speaking too

Hello All,

I am speaking this year at AIOUG Sangam 17 and my presenation topic is Oracle Sharding.

Agenda yet to be published and registrations are open.




Australia OTN 2017 – IAOUG – OTN (ODC) Conference 2017

We are back again, this year with more fantastic sessions with another set of Speakers who are well known in Oracle Community and ACE (D).

More Details at

Registrations are Open and Tickets are Limited

Venue: Rydge Hotel World Square, Sydney, Australia

Date: Nov 24,

From: 8:30 am until 5:30 pm

[…] -E Emulation Feature


Many of us know about script to upgrade the databases using parallel slave processes since 12c. Adding to that there is executable in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/bin called dbupgrade utility which in turn calls out

There is little known feature which is emulation feature you can run with this utility or script. it displays on […]

18c Database

Hello All

As you all aware or if not aware of, the next database release i.e is named as 18c and 19c so on. Here is the roadmap from document 742060.1.

What does it contain or we expect from this release?

Tagged as fully autonomous database if your database in Oracle Public Cloud If […]

Oracle 12c Upgrade : Virtual Column with Function Based Index (bug)

Issue: Post 12C upgrade: Oracle Bug – Virtual Column issue

Fix: Set it at session level or system level – fix_control=’16237969:OFF’

Be aware of the virtual column getting created with function based index, which may lead to sub-optimal plans.

In 11g , index is getting picked by the oracle optimizer and going with optimal Plan. […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : Approximate Query Processing

While sometime ago, I was looking for a database project requirement to process analytical workload. The organisation choice was Oracle and Developers choice was postgres or vertica. But to handle Vertica we do not have that much of data processing actually needed so the final contenders are Oracle and Postgres.

As per licensing guidelines I […]

AWR Report – Error ORA-13605: The specified task or object does not exist for the current user.

When you run the awr report with non privileged user i.e custom user (even with dba privilege) you may receive the following error.


ORA-13605: The specified task or object does not exist for the current user.

Error encountered in special section 99995

The possible cases are,

missing grant on sys.dbms_advisor bug 17588463 — found […]

Securing/Simplifying AWS Network Architecture using Transit VPC and IPSec Tunnel

Written by Akhil Mathema,

We recently incorporated IPSec Tunnel and Transit VPC for our project to simplify our Network connectivity between different AWS Accounts and different VPC’s.

AWS provides a great flexibility of architecturing your network infrastructure either in terms of Security, flexibility and simplicity.

Whether it is from Security or Infrastructure architect perspective, it […]

SQL Server on Linux


Back in Nov 2016, Microsoft has announced SQL Server on Linux and being a Database enthusiast I would like to hands on and see how it works, but I am been busy with some other projects and could not look into it. Last week I had a conversation with one of my peer in […]