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ASM: ACFS Filesystem , practiced and explained.

Background:- According to documentation here

A lot more on that part in documentation,

How about creating a database home on the ASM Diskgroups? How about using my asm diskgroups to store my backups or any other generic files? How about using my asm diskgroup as cluster filesystem like vxfs

Well the answer is ACFS!!!! […]

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr1_lostwrt].


Here is one the knowledge share that has been posted by Sarma. Many thanks to him for his enthusiastic contribution.

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcratr1_lostwrt].


As per 351678.1, the last block written was lost when the instance crashed. On startup, Oracle checks the last version of the block written to disk; […]

ora-8104: this index object XXXX is being online built or rebuilt

Thanks to my friend (Siva Krishna) who updated me to post this in blog,

If session performing online index rebuild will be killed by mistake Oracle end up with some inconsistency inside dictionary.

If you try to re-run killed command to create index once more database will complain that index already exist.

Although […]

Quick Question: Duplicate database command’s another benefit

Came across one good note [1079563.1] on mixed platforms backup/restore/recovery things.  This is especially beneficial than long process of export/import or transport tablespaces. you Just fire the duplicate database and then done.

The note say’s

Mixed platforms are supported for the following types of backups:-

+ Active Database DUPLICATE + Backup-based DUPLICATE using image copies […]

Quick Question: Different RDBMS versions of dataguard possible?

Yes, you heard it correct.

The question is, Is it possibel to have the standby is in higher version than the production database of course with same OS, for example Production in 10g and the standby in 11g on both sides having RHEL?


Yes, the standby should logical and the compatibility parameters on […]

Dataguard: Platform compatibilities


A question from Application Teams or the business, does dataguard supports hetergenous platforms, means can I have my production in linux and dataguard (standby) in windows environment, the answer is Yes.

This is possible from 11g onwards where you dataguard environment’s platforms can vary.

Look the metalink document 413484.1, which describes the […]

Buffer states: How many consistent read (cr) clones in buffer cache, verified.

We all know to maintain the consistency of the buffers and its integrity oracle has to clone the current copy of the buffer to consistent read and change the latest one. There are different buffer states in x$bh column out of all our interest to this post is only to cr and xcur.

First lets […]

11gR2 RAC: Server pools what are they?

Introduction to server pool, (the real meaning of ‘g’ in the oracle’s advertisement since 10g)

Very long post, take free time to read and to get a clear understanding…..

Grid computing is a concept within Oracle database which has been there since 10g. The basic meaning of grid computing is to divide the hard […]

Flashback log: Your flashback option is disabled, does flashback logs get generated?

Does flashback logs generates even if the flashback option is disabled?

Answer: Yes, when you have guaranteed restore point exists in your database.

No, if you does not have guaranteed restore point. Please read further.

    SQL> select log_mode,flashback_on from v$database;

    LOG_MODE     FLASHBACK_ON     ———— ——————     ARCHIVELOG   NO

    SQL> […]

11gR2: Truncate table does deallocate all extents?

In Oracle 11gR2 there is a new clause added to the truncate table SQL statement allowing to release the space allocated even for extents corresponding to the minextents storage clause. Prior to truncate table statement with its different flavor of clauses was used to delete all the rows from the table and possibly […]