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Performance Tuning: Oracle SPM Vs. Sql Profiles

The following is the real nice work from

This was very good post and awesome write up which help my blog readers too. End to end on sqlprofiles and spm, happy reading, thanks to Maxym.


SQL Profiles

Note —– – SQL profile "SYS_SQLPROF_012ad8267d9c0000" used FOR this statement




Scripts: Segment statistics, reads/writes/waits at table level


Suppose you have been asked about how much reads/writes happening and what are the wait events that occured for a object(table) in a given period or overall. so then read on….

We have different ways to get the Table level statistics like waits/reads/logical reads/physical reads /writes etc.


1) In Oracle 8i […]

Unix: Basic Disk Management , nice video on youtube

Hello All,

One of our fellow DBA posted me this link about disk basics and disk partitioning in solaris servers. Thanks to him (Shiva Krishna)

Nice video. Thanks to the author. Hope this helps you all to understand the basics of disk management.


ASM: ASM Disk status “_DROPPED_0001_****”


Thanks to my colleague(Bhanu) fo raising this,

Issue with ASM disks not persistent in reboot (due to some mis configuration in creating devices or its assignments, thats a different story) causing ASM disks to be failed, fortunately the Voting Disk and the OCR were on the normal redundancy group which does not lid […]

Oracle SCN: Many SCN’s ? Explained here!

How many types of SCN, well the better question would be how many places the SCN is stored.

Well, there are not MANY types of SCN which are there actually but stored many places with different names and different purposes.

The SCN will be only one number, a incremented value of every 3?(5 seconds […]

Script: Nice script to find block corruptions with the associated object


Thanks to my colleague (Satish) to share this.

Here is the nice script to find the relative object name that is having block corruption, ofcourse the the v$database_block_corruption will populate only when you run the rman command.

1) RMAN> Backup validate check logical database; This will populate the v$data_block_corruption with rows about the blocks […]

Tracing datapump sessions

Tracing datapump is not straight forward, you can trace the datapump worker(dw00) or datapump master(DM00) with 10046 to get the sql etc or use the TRACE option in expdp/impdp

Where in expdp has an option called trace where you can trace the session associated to datapump and then see what its waiting for or running […]

Basics: Parallelization Methods in Oracle


When using parallel query, Oracle uses one of these methods of performing parallel queries or DML:

Parallelize by block range Parallelize by partition Parallel processing using slave processes go and read on […]

Quick Question: IMPDP: How to import or create constraints in parallel


My friend is having a problem while import using IMPDP, which poses us some questions here.

The impdp is hung or just processing at constraints enabling around 7000+ (massive 2TB database) and apparently ran for 3 days.

Note, He had already used parallel = 10.

Now question is,

1) Does parallel clause work […]

expdp/impdp: export and import between releases using datapump


Until 10g when you want to export and import between releases (i.e 10g to 11g), For example you want to export from 11g database and import it into 10g.

This is not possible until 10g, unless you use the higher version binaries(means expdp/impdp executables) in both databases.

But from 11g R1 onwards you […]