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Thank you! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Hello All,

My best wishes for Christmas and upcoming new year to you all!

This year has been very promising to me via this blog which earned me a lot of good friends and fellow DBA’s, indeed I have a learnt a lot too via this channel.

I recognized that the journey of this blog just reached,

  • 100 - days
  • 107 - posts
  • 10000 - hits
  • 29 - followers
  • 4 – contributors or whispers (yes they keep on asking what next in your blog)

“Thank you very much for all your support and sharing your knowledge.”

I would like to thanks to the contributors and if they do not mind, am writing about them here.

Kalyan, the first one will be my old goodie friend,  and our friendship has just completed 17 years, he is working as a SQL DBA for a product based company in Hyderabad and has his own blog Microsoft SQL Server, which I found something very interesting always. Thanks to him to whisper me always to start something on my own like this blog and here we are.

Naga Satish, is the other person who encouraged me always and to do something better and he discusses and shares his extensive knowledge to all of us via this blog. He had 9 years of experience in Oracle DBA and working for major banking giant.

Karishma, another enthusiastic contributor, who is working in US for a product based company and she is busy with golden gate these days. She shares the golden gate issues or relative information regularly and her knowledge share is certainly helpful to me to understand more about golden gate and infact I have to write up some of her shares.

Sarma, new buddy to this team and good going, who is working in Bangalore for a service based company and experienced in Oracle. He shown interest in contributing to this blog and sharing his write up’s which I will publish soon.

Many Thanks to all above and if anyone of you are interested in writing up and want to  help other fellow DBA’s , certainly please you can send me a mail or topic of yours or ask me for an login to write on your own. I hope the above list will become big list soon 🙂

I request you all to share your suggestions to make this blog more helpful to our colleagues,friends or new buddies to DBA field.

All the best to you, next year would be a challenging one for us as 12c database may release soon and makes us again busy in learning’s and migration’s, testing’s etc.

Keep going !!!!!


Geek DBA

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