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Measuring interconnect Traffic

You can find Cluster interconnect traffic from 11gR1 using dba_hist_ic_client_stats

This view has a column called name which gives you the ability to measure three different types of interconnect traffic.

•ipq - Parallel query communications
•dlm - Database lock management
•cache - Global cache communications

break on snap_id skip 1
compute sum of DIFF_RECEIVED_MB on SNAP_ID
compute sum of DIFF_SENT_MB on SNAP_ID
select *
from   (select   snap_id,
                 round ((bytes_sent - lag (bytes_sent, 1) over
                   (order by instance_number, snap_id)) / 1024 / 1024) diff_sent_mb,
                 round ((bytes_received - lag (bytes_received, 1) over
                   (order by instance_number, snap_id)) / 1024 / 1024) diff_received_mb
        from     dba_hist_ic_client_stats
        where    name = 'ipq' and
                 snap_id between 910 and 917
        order by snap_id,
where  snap_id in (911, 913, 915, 917) and
       diff_received_mb >= 10
---------- --------------- ------------ ----------------
       913               1        11604            10688
                         2        10690            11584
**********                 ------------ ----------------
sum                               22294            22272
       915               1         8353             8350
                         2         8133             8418
                         3         8396             8336
                         4         8514             8299
**********                 ------------ ----------------
sum                               33396            33403
       917               1         5033             4853
                         2         4758             4888
                         3         4956             4863
                         4         5029             4852
                         5         4892             4871
                         6         4745             4890
                         7         4753             4889
                         8         4821             4881
**********                 ------------ ----------------
sum                               38987            38987

The script is downloaded from the Greg Rahn blog to show you the output which is readily available and written nicely.

Hope this helps

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