Here is the nice script for finding the row lock (hoping you will find the locked objects easily)
select do.object_name , row_wait_obj# , row_wait_file# , row_wait_block# , row_wait_row# , dbms_rowid.rowid_create (1, ROW_WAIT_OBJ#, ROW_WAIT_FILE#, ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#, ROW_WAIT_ROW#) from v$session s , dba_objects do where sid=&sid and s.ROW_WAIT_OBJ# = o.OBJECT_ID ;
select * from tablename where rowid='';
Notes on ROW_WAIT_* columns in v$session,
Object ID for the table containing the ROWID specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
Identifier for the datafile containing the ROWID specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
Identifier for the block containing the ROWID specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
The current ROWID being locked. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
Geek DBA
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