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Oracle Cloud : Using PSM CLI to Manage Databases

In previous post, you have seen the PSM utility installation and using PSM utility, In this post you will learn how to use CLI to effectively manage the databases using commands.

#Create Database using Json file

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs create-service -c 18cdatabase.json
Job ID : 1986734

# Check the Service aka database config

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs service -s db18c-se-si
Service:                    db18c-se-si
Status:                     In Progress
Edition:                    SE
Shape:                      oc3
Connect String:             N/A
Backup Destination:         NONE
Cloud Storage Container:    N/A
PDB Name:                   pdb01
Created On:                 2018-03-15T03:37:45.884+0000

# Check the Database Health

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs check-health -s db18c-se-si -of  json
"displayName":"Max Percentage for a User Tablespace Used"


#Check the backups of Database,

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs view-backups -s db18c-se-si
Error: Internal Server Error. Backup / Recovery operations are not supported on this service instance.

# Stop Database , errored out with some job running, so looked at operation status as below with job id

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs stop -s db18c-se-si
"reason":"Resource Busy. Service idcs-093b0defb99e433c9fb6aae82cfcb8d1/db18c-se-si has active jobs.  active job: 1986734 when attempting to process request: idcs-093b0defb99e433c9fb6aae82cfcb8d1/db18c-se-si: serviceType = dbaas, namespace = dbaas, operation = stop-dbaas-service"

# Check Operations that currently running with Job Number

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs operation-status -j 1986734
Service:           db18c-se-si
Operation Type:    CREATE_SERVICE
Status:            RUNNING
Start Time:        2018-03-15T03:37:45.985+0000
End Time:          N/A

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs operation-status -j 1989704
Service:           db12c-se-si
Operation Type:    CREATE_SERVICE
Status:            RUNNING
Start Time:        2018-03-15T04:04:10.295+0000
End Time:          N/A

# Check Infrastructure activities on the database host

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs activities -s db18c-se-si
Operation Type  Status   Start Time                    End Time
CREATE_SERVICE  RUNNING  2018-03-15T03:37:45.985+0000  N/A
DELETE_SERVICE  SUCCEED  2018-03-14T16:00:48.245+0000  2018-03-14T16:06:35.774+0000
CREATE_SERVICE  SUCCEED  2018-03-14T14:54:19.049+0000  2018-03-14T15:24:37.529+0000

# Delete Database Instance and Service

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs delete-service -s db18c-se-si
Job ID:    1989723

# Check Any patches need for databases and available

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs available-patches -s db12c-se-si
Patch ID     Severity  Version          Release Date                  Requires Restart?
26710464-SE  Normal  2017-10-17T01:40:00.000+0000  True

# Applying Patch, Errored out I need to check why

Ex: psm dbcs patch -s ExampleInstance -p es-20831110-EE -g NODE-SAFE -h REQUIRE_STATUS_HA -t 100 -n Applying JDK80 patch

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs patch -s db12c-se-si -p 26710464-SE -of json
Error: Unsupported Media Type

# Pre check Patch

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs precheck-patch -s db12c-se-si -p 26710464-SE
Error: Unsupported Media Type

# Take snapshot of Database

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop>psm dbcs create-snapshot -s db12c-se-si -n snapshottestest12c
Job ID : 1987024

# Scale up your database host capacity

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop> psm dbcs scale-up -s db12c-ee -p oc4 -a 10

Specifies scaling up the shape of the service instance.

Valid values for shape-name are as follows:

•oc4 — 2 OCPUs with 15 GB RAM
•oc5 — 4 OCPUs with 30 GB RAM
•oc6 — 8 OCPUs with 60 GB RAM
•oc7 — 16 OCPUs with 120 GB RAM
•oc1m — 1 OCPU with 15 GB RAM
•oc2m — 2 OCPUs with 30 GB RAM
•oc3m — 4 OCPUs with 60 GB RAM
•oc4m — 8 OCPUs with 120 GB RAM
•oc5m — 16 OCPUs with 240 GB RAM

# Scale down your database host capacity

C:\Users\gandhi\Desktop> psm dbcs scale-down -s db12c-ee -p oc4 -a oc5-a 10



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