SRVCTL command for SCAN(Single Client Access Name):
To Add a SCAN
Command: srvctl add scan -n nodename Example: srvctl add scan -n lnxrac1
To Remove a SCAN
Example: srvctl remove scan [-f]
Note: Below command is using ordinal_number parameter so An ordinal number is that identifies which SCAN VIP you want to start. The range of values you can specify for this option is 1 to 3.
To Start a SCAN
Command: srvctl start scan [-i ordinal_number] [-n node_name] Example: srvctl start scan -i 1 -n lnxrac1
To Stop a SCAN
Command: srvctl stop scan [-i ordinal_number] [-f] Example: srvctl stop scan -i 1
To Check status of SCAN
Command: srvctl status scan [-i ordinal_number] Example: srvctl status scan -i 1
To Enable a SCAN
Command: srvctl enable scan [-i ordinal_number] Example: srvctl enable scan -i 1
To Disable a SCAN
Command: srvctl disable scan [-i ordinal_number] Example: srvctl disable scan -i 3
To Configure a SCAN
Command: srvctl config scan [-i ordinal_number] Example: srvctl config scan -i 2
To Modify SCAN
Command: srvctl modify scan -n scan_name Example: srvctl modify scan -n SCAN1
To Relocate a SCAN
Command: srvctl relocate scan -i ordinal_number [-n node_name] Example: srvctl relocate scan -i 2 -n lnxrac2
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