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Example 10: Reporting Commands in Goldengate

It is required to evaluate the extract status, and details and replicat status, lag details. Further also any long running transactions etc.

About Manager info all

status manager

send manager childstatus

About Extract info extract ext1, detail

send extract ext1 status

stats extract ext1

stats extract ext2 reportrate hr  --> hr, min, sec can be used to check the processing rate

send extract myload2, getlag

lag extract ext2

About Replicat info replicat rep1, detail

send replicat rep1 status

stats replicat rep1

stats replicat myload2 reportrate sec  --> hr, min, sec can be used to check the processing rate

send replicat myload2, getlag

lag replicat myload2*

About Long Running Transactions Oracle Golden Gate Replication will not propagate transactions to the destination which have NOT been committed on the source yet.

However Oracle Golden gate will write the open transaction data to the dirtemp directory in the home directory.

This data will then be read back later when the transaction is committed and needs to be propagated to the destination. This is especially true when bulk transactions are run, processing a large account of the uncommitted data, which then has to be written temporarily to the dirtemp location.


COL start_time FOR A20

COL sid FOR 99999

COL serial# FOR 999999

COL username FOR A20

COL status FOR A10

COL schemaname FOR A10

COL process FOR A10

COL machine FOR A15

COL program FOR A30

COL module FOR A35

COL logon_time FOR A20

SELECT t.start_time,s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,

s.status, s.schemaname, s.process,s.machine,

s.program, s.module, used_ublk, used_urec,

TO_CHAR(s.logon_time,'mon-dd-yyyy HH24:MI:SS') logon_time

FROM v$transaction t, v$session s

WHERE s.saddr = t.ses_addR

ORDER BY start_time;