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Unix : Solaris psrset – bound cpu to specific processes

Using psrset, we can assign specific cpu’s as a group and assign specific processes to that processor set. This is useful in RAC where there node evictions due to CPU scheduling delays or CPU bottlenecks are high, we can assign the critical process like cssd, crsd, ohasd etc, so that CPU is always available to […]

Unix: Finding high I/O waiting process in linux

We often need to find which process ID is causing high I/O or having I/O waits.

Unfortunately there is no real time specific tool that is available apart from iotop which is by default not available in all environments (as in my case).

How we can determine which process is generating more I/O (or in […]

prstat –z disaster in crontab (realtime issue) possible hit to you as well, if you are too keen on automations.

Many thanks to Shiva & Swathi for sharing their real time experience and appreciating their wish to share this to in my blog.

Further, the following is very nice work from Swathi with screenshots and well written to understand the situation and how to resolve the same!!!

Read on!!!

Sharing one situation of my […]

Unix: Basic Disk Management , nice video on youtube

Hello All,

One of our fellow DBA posted me this link about disk basics and disk partitioning in solaris servers. Thanks to him (Shiva Krishna)

Nice video. Thanks to the author. Hope this helps you all to understand the basics of disk management.


Unix: CPU Counts explained


A multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual central processing units (called “cores”), which are the units that read and execute program instructions.[1] The instructions are ordinary CPU instructions such as add, move data, and branch, but the multiple cores can run multiple instructions at the same time, […]

Unix: Top 10 useful SAR commands in unix, performance monitoring using SAR

The following are the top 10 Useful SAR commands for DBA’s.

1. CPU Usage of ALL CPUs (sar -u)

This gives the cumulative real-time CPU usage of all CPUs. “1 3″ reports for every 1 seconds a total of 3 times. Most likely you’ll focus on the last field “%idle” to see the cpu […]

Unix: Performance tools available for you

This is beginning of Unix series post for DBA’s to understand the monitoring tools for Linux

Sysstat is the package that contains various tools or utilities to collect or view the performance of the Unix servers.

Installing sysstat


tar xvfj sysstat-10.0.0.tar.bz2

cd sysstat-10.0.0

./configure –enable-install-cron


make install



Crontab: Nice explanation of a crontab entries

If anyone want to know about the cron tab entries sequence, here it is.

– – – – – | | | | | | | | | +—– day of week (0 – 6) (Sunday=0) | | | +——- month (1 – 12) | | +——— day of month (1 – 31) | +———– […]