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RAC: Restrict Parallel Query processing to local node only

When a query is issued against an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database with multiple nodes, the parallel processes may be spawned on different nodes. This approach is used to ensure that no one node becomes overloaded and that the processing power of all nodes is utilized as efficiently as possible.

However, under certain […]

Quick Question: Check for performance issues

Updated answers

Thank you! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Hello All,

My best wishes for Christmas and upcoming new year to you all!

This year has been very promising to me via this blog which earned me a lot of good friends and fellow DBA’s, indeed I have a learnt a lot too via this channel.

I recognized that the journey of this blog […]

Dataguard: Tracing in dataguard

A note on tracing when you have dataguard environment,

Use the following useful SQL

SELECT group#, member FROM v$logfile WHERE type = ‘STANDBY’; SELECT group#, dbid, archived, status FROM v$standby_log; SELECT dest_id,valid_type,valid_role,valid_now FROM v$archive_dest; SELECT process, status, group#, thread#, sequence# FROM v$managed_standby order by process, group#, thread#, sequence#; SELECT name, value, time_computed FROM v$dataguard_stats; SELECT […]

Opatch: Enable or disable oracle patch using opatch

Opatch: Enable/disable the one off oracle patch to all of the databases using opatch util

Problem: ========

Consider this situation,

1) You have Shared Oracle Home

2) 2 Databases running

3) You need to apply a patch for one databases only

Many of us know once we apply the patch to a home this […]

11g RAC Interview questions available now.


Updated 11g Rac questions and answers and enabled link at Interviewquestions page.

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Oracle DBA Course

Oracle 12c New Features Course

Oracle 12c RAC Administration Training

Oracle ASM Course

Oracle Dataguard […]