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Future of DBA – A constant question

In constant pursuit of human race behind technology with all due respect of it this post dedicated to all those of like mine.

Often I (in fact everyone of reading this) am been asked a question , what is future of DBA with cloud, autonomous etc.

Well that’s not for only DBA’s its every where, […]

AIOUG – Hyderabad – Performance Tuning Tech day – 23rd June

Hello All

AIOUG – Hyderabad Chapter announced Performance Tuning Tech Day on 23-June in Hyderabad and I am speaking on SQL Plan Stability & Flexibility Features.

Here is registration Link :-

And Agenda is as follows, Don’t miss it as the topics covered by speakers will be helpful.




SQL Server on Linux


Back in Nov 2016, Microsoft has announced SQL Server on Linux and being a Database enthusiast I would like to hands on and see how it works, but I am been busy with some other projects and could not look into it. Last week I had a conversation with one of my peer in […]

BigData Posts – Update


You might be wondering about no posts in my blog. But the fact is am busy learning BigData and praticising and preparing a tutorial content in my new subdomain blog.

So far three lessons have been posted on Bigdata Hadoop Fundamentals, if you have missed to see them here are they,

Hadoop Overview […]

Happy New YEAR – Thanks to All.


First of all, ****Many Many THANKS**** to all of my blog readers for the support and continuous encouragement through out the year 2013.

A wonderful year now on the history books as like my posts moves to Archives. I have tried to write as many as I can and that’s again a great learning […]

Difference between object_id and data_object_id from dba_objects


I have got two questions from my friend.

1) What is the difference between object_id and data_object_id?

2) Will be there any performance impact if data_object_id changes?

For the question #1,

a) Object_id represents the primary_key or the unique identifier for the object b) data_object_id is the pointer […]

RAC: Timezone differences in CRS and Database logs

Hello All,

We have got an issue about time zone differences in alert logs , crs logs with system timestamp and with system timestamp.

System date time [oracle@TESTRAC1]/ # date Tue Apr 24 04:10:11 CEST 2013

But database Alert log shows,

Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 235 (LGWR switch) Current log# 11 […]

Time to read few good posts from other blogs

Dear Readers,

We have few good posts in Oracle community this week and here are they, and very interesting though

Jonathan Lewis on Systimestamp puzzles:-


Oracle optimizer blog comes up with method_opt parameter significance in dbms_stats

How does the METHOD_OPT parameter work-

Randolf Geist on


Arup Nanda […]

First & Test post on new site

Hello All,

This is the first post and test post for this new site, if you are encountering any issues with site please drop me an email with issue, will fix it.

For those who enrolled post to email subscription, they should receive this post via email, if not can you please spare sometime […]

Another good blog: Iordon Iotzov’s

Thanks Iordon Iotzov for showing up here and following this blog.

To my blog readers,

Iordon has many good works and posts under his blog and he has recently presented at HOTSOS about confidence on cardinalities/statistics. You can read it here.

Hotsos Symposium 2013

-Thanks Geek DBA