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Do not want bind peeking? what you have in then? _optim_peek_user_binds=false vs. /*+ NO_BIND_AWARE */

Adaptive cursor sharing introduced in 11g R1 to address the bind peeking issues with things track especially the bind aware and bind sensitivity. This is for plan stability right,

Read here more on this.

Can this stability when bind peeking issues is be achievable in 10g, well the obvious answer is sql profiles, stored out […]

More nested loops in 11g : A change in nested loops around in 11g

Original and New Implementation for Nested Loop Joins

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) introduces a new implementation for nested loop joins. As a result, execution plans that include nested loops might appear different than they did in previous releases of Oracle Database. Both the new implementation and the original implementation for nested loop joins […]

Debate: SPA vs. SPM vs. ACS, SPM vs. sql_profiles etc.

Well there are many sources to explain about the functionality of

SQL Stored Outlines SQL Profiles SQL Performance Analyzer Adaptive Cursor Sharing SQL Plan Management

Indeed all these tools are available to give the plan stability but with different ways.

Basics:- Plan instability can occur due to bind value differences. Binds are used to reduce […]

Quiz Post #7: Get sql trace without reexecuting it – 11g DBMS_SQLDIAG

In general you will need to set the SQL trace or events (10046,10053) and run the problematic query and can obtain the sql execution statistics to trace files.



11g SQL Monitoring: Real Time sql monitoring


I have got a chance to speak about this nice cool feature in an other practical demo session to my colleagues, but few questions on the same remind to post and read something on this.

Typically as usual my post flow, What, How, How to, Important note?

What is SQL Monitoring?

If a query […]

Dynamic Sampling: Use,Levels,10g-11g behavior,

We all know that Oracle Optimizer use object statistics to determine the cost of accessing that object. What if, if that object has missed statistics or the columns or the

Hence Oracle introduced Dynamic sampling in 9i and has changed significantly through 11g.


Dynamic sampling augments missing or insufficient optimizer statistics. Using dynamic sampling […]

Cardinality Feedback: What is it? When it will be used? 10g vs 11g

What is cardinality?

CBO estimate of the number of rows produced by a row source or combination of row sources.

What are different types of cardinality?


Cardinality represents the number of rows in a row set. Here, the row set can be a base table, a view, or the result of a join […]

Quiz Post #1 : SQL Magic

Q: is it my possible to make my query to change from “select ‘what is my name’ from dual” to “select ‘you’r Geek DBA’ from dual” during execution.

A: this feature is called “query equivalence”.

query equivalence is declared using the dbms_advanced_rewrite.declare_rewrite_equivalence procedure, and uses the syntax:
