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Scripts: adrci purge script, housekeeping

ADRCI: Automatic diagnostic repository command interface, used to manage the diagnostic, health monitor, or incident packaging solutions for Oracle databases.

This is the small adrci automatic purge script rather to rely on traditional log purging or housekeeping scripts.

This script will check in /etc/oratab and list down all oracle homes and then set those Oracle […]

Scripts: Oracle Housekeeping Script – Pluggable/Portable/Easier one


Housekeeping of logs , traces, diag directories is every DBA’s job and some may write their own , some adopt from others which is common.

Often we found in our environments similar sort of scripts placed, which I found mostly were

Non Pluggable to any new environments

You cannot port it to others or […]

SQL : Query to generate dates or weekday for a year etc.


When I was working for a tool in Apex some time back, need some scripts on automatic date generation, after some googling and changing the modified ones, here are some scripts that useful to generate a date in sequence etc.


Generating dates for a month =================== select to_date(’01 2010′,’MM YYYY’)-1 + level as […]

Scripts: Database,Table,Tablespace Growth Report using AWR

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The following code snippets are collected from various sources and updating here, (not sure even about […]