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Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Adding a deleted Node


This is the continuation of previous post from the good work by Deepak.

In last post we deleted a rac04 node and here we will see how to add back the same to cluster.


1. Attach the home in rac04 (as you have detached home), (optional)

If you have detached the home […]

Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Deletion of Node

Hello Readers,

I will be running through a series of Grid Infrastructure tasks like deletion of node, addition of node, serverpools and taf in 12c.

I would like to Thanks & appreciation Mr. Deepak Kumar from Bangalore India, for his nice work in sending this screenshots.

Without his time and effort this would not be […]

difference between and


I have got a question during my session with my colleagues, the difference between and

Both resides in $GRID_HOME/oui/bin will be useful or used when you run the grid infrastructure in standalone mode (single node Cluster) will be useful or used when you run the grid infrastructure in normal mode […]

OEL 6.5 Kernel Not supporting to ACFS/ADVM

We have been running into issues in a training , that OEL 6.5 Kernel not shipped with ADVM/ACFS and deliberatly I have to get back to 6.3 or lesser kernel for 12c.

acfsload start -s gives the following error

acfs-9459: advm/acfs is not supported on this os version

Once I have installed the kernel 6.3 […]

CRS Startup : Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

After long time, I have been writing back now. I will running through a series of posts from now on Grid infrastructure issues.

The first one is Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

While starting crs / Adding the node the crs alert log will show the error Oracle ORA-21561 : OID generation failed

This […]

12c Database : Convert normal cluster to flex cluster

Continuing from previous post,

Prerequisites for FlexCluster:- You must use Grid Naming Service (GNS) with an Oracle Flex Cluster deployment. You must configure the GNS VIP as a static IP address for Hub Nodes. On Multi-cluster configurations, you must identify the GNS client data file location for Leaf Nodes. The GNS client data files are […]

12c Database : RAC – SRVCTL enhancements – Evaluation mode

In 12c RAC, the srvctl can be run evaluation mode , where the command tells you the impact of running that command, what actions will take place by running that command etc.

For example, modifying the server pool will show the following.

$ srvctl relocate server -servers "rac1" -eval -serverpool pool2

Database db1      […]

12c: Step by Step 12c RAC DB Installation on Linux 64bit using Virtual Box

The first part I.e Grid Infrastructure (RAC) Installation is here

And the Final part You can download it from here

-Thanks Geek DBA

12c: Step by Step 12c GridInfrastructure (RAC) Installation on Linux 64bit

Hello All

Finally able to install the 12c Grid Infrastructure and here is the procedural document. You can download from below link, Also added in downloads link

-Thanks Geek DBA

RAC: Recover lost voting and OCR Disks from backup

We have a lost voting disks issue yesterday, this occurs due to incorrect aliases or the device mapper persistent names have been changed after storage upgradation/migration.

CRS was not up and showing the error below Obviously the CSSD , cssd.log

No voting disks founds

So, we have lost the voting and OCR disks. […]