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Disabling Active Dataguard Feature

As we all know Active Dataguard is a licensed feature and whilst there is no parameter to control, indeed if just in case if you do not have a license and by chance your DBA has opened the standby database in readonly and started MRP then you are in troubles as it activates the Active […]

Step by Step Build of Standby (dataguard) in two node RAC

Hello All,

Here are the steps to implement the Standby in RAC and the following is the test environment

Production RAC: Geek DBA12cprmy1 Geek DBA12cprmy2 Standby RAC:- Geek DBA12cdr1 Geek DBA12cdr2

1 . Add standby logs on Primary Database

alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 10 (‘+PRMY_DATA’) size 500M; alter database add […]

Dataguard : Network Tuning Parameters

Whilst, was working on a dataguard network performance issue thought should write something on this.

The most important aspect of the dataguard is network transport, and if the undersized or improper configuration may lead to the redo transport issue and production may show you the log synch waits etc.

The following parameters may be tuned […]

Upgrading 11gr2 to 12c using Transient logical standby – Rolling upgrade

Well, this is fairly an old topic but explored lately by me. Very big post click on read more to scroll down to full page.

Ah, I was trying to explore the upgrade from 11gr2 to 12c but not traditional way, and go these two excellent white papers.

The high level overview of […]

Duplicate Standby : Issues & Issues all the way

Well doing,

All the DBA’s using the duplicate database to build a standby database and its proved most of the times it works. But it happens sometimes that it creates a series of issues.

Thanks to our good old DBA Basavaraju (a very long time DBA) for pointing out this series of issues and […]

Heterogeneous Standby Database : Primary on windows , standby on Linux – Different Bits together

Quick Question: Is it possible to have Standby Database on different platforms? i.e Windows (Primary) –> Linux (Standby)

Answer: Yes, From 11gr2 onwards. You can have different Operating Systems on primary and standby.

Note: From 10g onwards, Different endian support  i.e Linux 64bit(Primary) –> Linux 32bit (Standby) is possible but not different platforms.

How […]

12c Database : RMAN Enhancement : Rollfoward standby using network service without incremental backups

As discussed, earlier, Another important nice feature in RMAN from 12c is using network based recovery or incremental backup strategy from the servics. This eliminates taking incremental backups or copy those backup to standby and saves lot of time. Lets check, On Primary, check the latest log

Check on Primary

SQL> archive log […]

12c Database : Step by Step standby creation using RMAN duplicate database

Step by Step standby creation using RMAN duplicate database

This post is about to create a standby database in container enabled database (Just want to check any changes required from previous versions steps) All steps are similar like previous versions except we have to create directory structures for PDB databases otherwise RMAN script will fail […]

Archive missing ? Recover standby using roll forward standby with incremental backup

Here is the step by step document for recovering the standby if archive is missing and not recoverable, using a feature called rollforward standby using incremental backup introduced in 10g.

1) After recovery in step above login to sqlplus and get the current scn from standby database;

SQL> col CURRENT_SCN format 999999999999

SQL> select current_scn […]

Quick Question: Different RDBMS versions of dataguard possible?

Yes, you heard it correct.

The question is, Is it possibel to have the standby is in higher version than the production database of course with same OS, for example Production in 10g and the standby in 11g on both sides having RHEL?


Yes, the standby should logical and the compatibility parameters on […]