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Oracle database limits


Quick reference from documentation on Oracle Database limits


Datatype Limits: Talks about the limits for each data type eg: raw size, char size etc.

Physical Database Limits: Talks about limits of datafile, blocksizes, maxlimits etc

Logical Database Limits: Talks about limits of max subqueries, constraints, partitions,users and roles etc.

Process and Runtime […]

Opatch: How to check whether the patch require database bounce or not. Means online apply or not.

From 11g onwards Oraclr releasing patches without downtime requirement for some patches.

Opatch command line has now an additional options called query and _is_online_patch which can be used to determine whether the patch can apply online or not.

XXXXXXXX:TEST:UAT $ opatch query -is_online_patch /home/users/oracle/9877980 -invptrloc /u01/in/TEST/oracle/db/ Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer […]

Oracle Index Splits: What happens when index leaf block is fulland a new key has to insert in the same leaf block

We all know that Oracle maintain index keys as a pointers to the original rows of table and there are different types of indexes (Btree and bitmap), while what if the index entries are getting inserted either last of index leaf blocks or in between of leaf block and those leaf blocks are already full. […]

Oracle Flashback options

A brief history about Oracle Flashback , its starting version, various enhancements, What it uses to manage the flashback.

Version Flashback Option available Provides Uses Depends on 9i Flashback Query allows the user to query the data at some point-in-time in the past to reconstruct the lost data that may have been deleted or changed […]

Clone Database: Turn your backup (rman image copy) to a database without copy/restore?

Imagine how it could be if you can use your image copies of your databases as your UAT/dev databases, without much usign complex restore procedure, how it could be if you refresh/clone the databases.

The answer is is using Oracle Direct NFS Client and dbms_dnfs package.

Clonedb is a new Direct NFS (DNFS) feature introduced […]

Data Pump: Expdp/impdp legacy support.


Am trying to use expdp, Watch this screenshot closely

and you ever wonder that how does it works, as I have used , row=n, file=test1.dmp with expdp which should not work but it is.


ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection qualifier

One more for today,

Here is the error, this database link should point to production db,

SQL> create database link PRODDB connect to admin identified by admin using ‘PROD’; create database link MQDB connect to strmadmin identified by strmadmin using ‘PROD’ * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection […]

SMON Transaction Recovery hanging up your database?

When a large transaction got killed, terminated we all know that smon will do the rollback of the transaction, “smon: enable tx recovery” which can evident in alert log.

Some time due to fast_start_parallel_rollback =high , lot of parallel sessions invoked and may complete hung your database or not permit any other session to work.


11gR2 continued it surprises: Have you ever seen that data file I/O error cause Instance crash ? does it…


Yes should start with that Uh.. only. Let get back to one more post.

One of my databases having I/O error, actually its a VM Linux machine with, I have removed the Virtual disk forcibly, (renamed) which is having one datafile. Actually, want to test this new hidden parameter “_datafile_write_errors_crash_instance”, which exactly crashed […]

RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: 18023747 Database Name: TEST

Very recently I have encountered this issue while cataloging the backup pieces in order to sync the standby server.

Well this is all about that database DBID is different from the source (primary) database where you cannot/rman cannot see those backups relevant to this destination database. very obvious thing.

This db in the issue has […]