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12c Database : New Background Processes

Here is the filtered tables after comparison of 11g with 12c Background Processes.

Name Expanded Name Short Description Long Description External Properties AQPC AQ Process Coordinator Per instance AQ global coordinator AQPC is responsible for performing administrative tasks for AQ Master Class Processes including commands like starting, stopping, and other administrative tasks. This process is […]

12c Database : How does data dictionary will be shared for multiple databases?

Architecture of Data dictionary in view of multiple containers in a Single SGA

The above diagram requires a explanation.

Data Dictionary

A data dictionary resides in CDB is shared (definitions) between CDB & PDB, for those objects that are system (internal) For example: AWR is global, TAB$, OBJ$ etc.A data dictionary objects or […]

12c Database : Commons users & Local Users

Before to 12c, when using a single database the user management is pretty straight , create a user and assign the privileges or roles and manage it.

In view of multitenant architecture, where multiple databases exists managing multiple databases with a single users can be cumbersome, For example you a host that hosts 10 applications […]

12c Database : CDB Overview

From the release 12c Database, the new architecture has been introduced similar to MS-SQL concepts a master database and the multiple databases attached to that master database shares a single SGA.

In same way Oracle Introduced multitenant architecture where the multiple databases share same SGA and all databases are interlinked to master database called Root […]

vktm process high cpu usage


While installing 12c grid infrastructure, observed that vktm and LMS process are consuming high CPU

top – 23:48:23 up 4:58, 4 users, load average: 13.38, 13.80, 12.08 Tasks: 217 total, 2 running, 215 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 27.5%us, 26.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.7%id, 0.7%wa, 0.0%hi, 45.1%si, 0.0%st Mem: 3519360k total, 3416516k used, 102844k free, […]

Administration : How to distinguish you are seeing rows on CDB or PDB


In view of multiple databases sharing single SGA how to distinguish which database you will need to see.

Now all dynamic views has two new columns for example:- V$process


Administration : 12c Deprecated parameters

Here is the list of deprecated parameters as of

SQL> SELECT name from v$parameter WHERE isdeprecated = ‘TRUE’ ORDER BY name; active_instance_count background_dump_dest buffer_pool_keep buffer_pool_recycle commit_write cursor_space_for_time fast_start_io_target global_context_pool_size instance_groups lock_name_space log_archive_local_first log_archive_start max_enabled_roles parallel_automatic_tuning parallel_io_cap_enabled parallel_server parallel_server_instances plsql_v2_compatibility remote_os_authent resource_manager_cpu_allocation sec_case_sensitive_logon serial_reuse sql_trace standby_archive_dest user_dump_dest

Administration : Restrict PGA using PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT

Until 12c we cannot restrict the PGA memory, even though you set pga_aggregate_target its just a soft limit, sessions can go beyond that.

However, we can restrict PGA using PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter and limiting the memory access, This is extremely useful in consolidated databases running on a host, but again the baseline should be done before […]

Administration : Invisible Columns in 12c

Starting 12c you can make columns invisible as like you make indexes invisible.

The following actions can be applicable on invisible columns SELECT * FROM statements in SQL DESCRIBE commands in SQL*Plus %ROWTYPE attribute declarations in PL/SQL Describes in Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Few Notes:-

When using select, when you dont select the […]

Administration : THREADED_EXECUTION new param and new model for BG processes

By default, some background processes on UNIX and Linux always use threaded execution; the remaining Oracle processes run as operating system processes. Thus, an “Oracle process” is not always equivalent to an “operating system process.”

Parameter THREADED_EXECUTION specifies whether to enable the multithreaded Oracle model. Starting in Oracle Database 12c, the multithreaded Oracle model enables […]