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Oracle 12c Upgrade : Virtual Column with Function Based Index (bug)

Issue: Post 12C upgrade: Oracle Bug – Virtual Column issue

Fix: Set it at session level or system level – fix_control=’16237969:OFF’

Be aware of the virtual column getting created with function based index, which may lead to sub-optimal plans.

In 11g , index is getting picked by the oracle optimizer and going with optimal Plan. […]

AWR Report – Error ORA-13605: The specified task or object does not exist for the current user.

When you run the awr report with non privileged user i.e custom user (even with dba privilege) you may receive the following error.


ORA-13605: The specified task or object does not exist for the current user.

Error encountered in special section 99995

The possible cases are,

missing grant on sys.dbms_advisor bug 17588463 — found […]

ANZ Free Webinar Tour – Second Wave registrations

Hello All,

The Second wave of APACOUC – IAOUG ANZ Webinars registrations open now and you have more exciting presentations to come.

And I am presenting topic Devops for Databases which details about Devops Principles to databases, why they are hard to implement, creating your own framework, strategy, approach, tools that needed for each approach […]

Quick Question : Finding Transactions on a Table

Folks! this subject line may sound silly, but most of us really think how for a moment.

Business Requirement is some want to add a column to high volatile table, So they want to understand, Does it cause issue as its high volatile and access by Website? What is the best time to add a […]

Script for Staleness Percent for each table

Ever, interested in looking for statistics staleness for each table including how much percent they stale are. The following query helps you to get you the details.

This query filter out the staleness for those tables which having more than or equal to 10%, you can adjust accordingly.

However, you will need to […]

Statistics Comparison – Handy Scripts

If you are working a production support DBA and very often you will need to check the statistics of the table and how much change what changed in each columns etc. I have figured out two ways for it and seems very useful.

Option 1:- 11gR1 has a package to show differences and comparison of […]

Flushing PGA (Private Global Area)

Does any knows about flushing the PGA?

Actually it can, not quite sure of release memory or not as it depends on high water mark (as like you try to shrink the datafile and it fails) similarly the following procedure also may not work if a memory chunk sitting at the edge of high water […]

ORA-12547: TNS: lost contact on DBCA in 12c with OEL 7 (UEK)

While running dbca we are receiving the ora-12547 and we could not able to create database using DBCA anymore.

After googling and metalink search found many notes which does not resolve the issue, the reasons can be multifold

Environments- SID, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH – Not resolved Permission on oracle executable to 6751 – Not resolved Package […]

Upgrading 11gr2 to 12c using Transient logical standby – Rolling upgrade

Well, this is fairly an old topic but explored lately by me. Very big post click on read more to scroll down to full page.

Ah, I was trying to explore the upgrade from 11gr2 to 12c but not traditional way, and go these two excellent white papers.

The high level overview of […]