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ETL with Kafka and Oracle

Oracle database which does not need much introduction and as well as Kafka, Kafka has been is a high-throughput distributed message system that is being adopted by hundreds of companies to manage their real-time data. Companies use Kafka for many applications (real time stream processing, data synchronization, messaging, and more). But building ETL with kafka […]

Weekend Rumblings : Oracle+Kafka – Learnings

Hello All,

This is about my weekend rumblings as I was preparing for my next presentations On Kafka + Oracle and hit many road blocks and I thought , I’d better write a post.

What I am trying to do is,

Build a vagrant box to test Oracle and Kafka + HDFS with hive integration […]

Oracle 19c – New Features List & Documentation


Today morning I opened twitter and saw lot of posts on Oracle 19c available on exadata, Thanks to Maria & others pointing me out to I started surfing through the links and found Oracle 19c Documentation is available and especially new features link. Here it is.

For Database Admin and Dataguard new documentation […]

Metalink Assistant for Database PSU/RU/Release reference – Nice one


I am one of you scrolling through different metalink and master notes for latest patches for Oracle databases, and now Oracle metalink made it easy or I saw it very late :). A nice Download assistant interactive which provides all links to the relevant patches etc. Watchout this small video.

Assistant: Download Reference for […]

Oracle 19c : Testing Automatic Indexing on LiveSQL – You may not

Oracle 19c was on LiveSQL and I can’t wait to test out the 19c Automatic Indexing features, so I tried to create emp/dept tables and queried to use hint /*+ USE_AUTO_INDEXES */ to use automatic indexing.

To my dismay, I forgot the fact that LiveSQL is on Exadata and index scans not possible unless settings. […]

DevOps for Databases: vagrant+ansible+prometheus+grafana


In this post, we are going to install virtualbox with vagrant and configure prometheus + grafana a open source monitoring , visualization, alerting tool. This vagrant file or playbook can be run individually, that means if you do not want to create a virtual box you can just run the playbook.

Here are the […]

DevOps for Databases: vagrant+redis+sentinel+stunnel


Welcome to the second part of the series DevOps for Databases, in this post we will see how to install Redis database along with HA (two slaves) , sentinel a HA solution to monitor the redis nodes and stunnel for managing SSL connections to Redis using Ansible playbook. In addition there is also a […]

DevOps for Databases : vagrant+ansible+postgres+HA

Hello All,

In this post, I will show you how to build a virtualbox using vagrant and install postgres with primary and standby configurations with hot standby mode. This all will be done in less than 1 hr and postgres HA is available for your learning purpose. You will be learning about vagrant and ansible […]

Oracle InMemory Across Tier

Hello All

One of the #OOW18 presentations slides on In Memory by @TirthankarLahari @dbinmemory and Oracle In Memory features across tiers explained. And listen more from him @sangam18 , #sangam18, @aioug at Bengalure 7th and 8th.





Future of DBA – A constant question

In constant pursuit of human race behind technology with all due respect of it this post dedicated to all those of like mine.

Often I (in fact everyone of reading this) am been asked a question , what is future of DBA with cloud, autonomous etc.

Well that’s not for only DBA’s its every where, […]