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Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 11 : Alert log & Tracing

Alert Log and tracing Parameters in Cassandra.yaml


root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~ $ ccm node1 nodetool getlogginglevels

Logger Name Log Level

root INFO

org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore WARN

org.apache.thrift.server.TNonblockingServer FATAL

org.apache.solr.handler.component WARN WARN

org.apache.solr.update WARN

org.apache.solr.core.CassandraSolrConfig WARN

SolrValidationLog INFO

org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers WARN

org.apache.solr.util.plugin.AbstractPluginLoader WARN

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~ $

root@wash-i-16ca26c8-prod ~/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/logs $ ls -ltr

total 528


Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 10: Commit Logs (Managing Archivelogs & Redlogs)

Archive Logs & Redologs (commit logs) Parameters that need to effect.

commitlog_directory: /root/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/commitlogs

commitlog_directory: /root/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/commitlogs

commitlog_segment_size_in_mb: 32

commitlog_sync: periodic

commitlog_sync_period_in_ms: 10000

/.ccm/geek_cluster/node1/resources/cassandra/conf/ file to keep archive_command

Argument 1 will give you the path to the files you’d want to copy, while

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 9 : Creating Users & Granting Privileges

Create User in cassandra involve to change the parameter in cassandra.yaml and authentication mode.

# Authentication backend, implementing IAuthenticator; used to identify users

# Out of the box, Cassandra provides org.apache.cassandra.auth.{AllowAllAuthenticator,

# PasswordAuthenticator}.

# DSE also provides a Kerberos authenticator for external authentication.


# – AllowAllAuthenticator performs no checks – set it […]

Cassandra for Oracle DBA Part 8: Data Dictionary Overview

cqlsh> select * from system.sstable_activity;

keyspace_name | columnfamily_name | generation | rate_120m | rate_15m


PortfolioDemo | StockHist | 2 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | Portfolios | 5 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | Stocks | 5 | 0 | 0

PortfolioDemo | StockHist | 3 | 0 | […]

Performance Troubleshooting : DB File Sequential Read When performing Full Table Scan

Hello All,

What wait event you observe when Oracle Performs a full table scan?

DB File Scattered Read Direct Path Reads (from 11g onwards under certain conditions)

What wait event you observe when Oracle Performs a table via index scan?

DB File Sequential Read

While we are working a issue, we apparently found an issue […]

Quick Question : Finding Transactions on a Table

Folks! this subject line may sound silly, but most of us really think how for a moment.

Business Requirement is some want to add a column to high volatile table, So they want to understand, Does it cause issue as its high volatile and access by Website? What is the best time to add a […]

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 7 – Adding & Deleting Nodes

Adding a Node, is straight forward,

1. Generate a token list by using script and so you can get the token range for new node.

2. Download the cassandra software, unpack it and change the cassandra.yaml of three important following parameters

cluster_name: ‘geek_cluster’

seeds: “,,”



Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 5 – High Availability

High Availability is the key for any distributed systems which includes the load balancing. In High Availability , one can think of Active-Active Nodes or Active – Passive Nodes, Cassandra and Oracle RAC falls into the first category, active-active mode. But Cassandra have important architectural differences unlike oracle rac

Cassandra does not use shared storage, […]

Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 5 : Read and Write Consistency

With the Data not shared model, how does a client or query get a consistent data and how does a write ensure that it is writing right data.

Obvious answer is the maintaining consistency in a database involves in adhering the ACID Properties.

Cassandra follows Atomicity, Isolation, Durability but consistency is an eventual consistency or […]

12c Upgrade Gotchas

The following are various gotchas during upgrade or post upgrade to 12c collect from various sources and also few of them in my environment.

1. Change of resource_limit parameter to true by default

Impact: Resource Manager will be invoked automatically and push the resource limits to the sessions and users may receive cpu/io restriction […]