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Oracle Sharding: Part 1 – Overview

Oracle is releasing a whistle blowing feature in distributed databases (shared nothing architecture) which has been dominated by many other databases in recent years. In upcoming release Oracle 12.2 , the Oracle Sharding feature provides the exact capability of shared nothing architecture with Leader node and shard nodes to distribute the data to nodes […]

Rows in Sort order without order by clause?

I have been asked by one of colleague (Vasu) about a weird issue, that the query returns rows in sort order in one database not in the other database.

Without having much hassle, by running dbms_xplan.display_cursor(‘sql_id’,NULL,’ADVANCED) mode tell’s us the optimizer parameter “_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled” is having different values in each database. Which is mean to perform […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : Convert Non Partitioned Table to Partitioned Table using ALTER

In earlier versions of Oracle, when one want to convert a table to partition, one must use move or export/import method and rename it.

Now in 12.2 release we can use ALTER table command to convert the table into Partitioned Table. Here is sample command it is from the documentation excerpt,



12.2 New Features : Memory Management at PDB Level

Memory & Guaranteed BufferCache/Shared Pool can be allocated at PDB Level. From the white paper here it is

Well so far I haven’t seen any such need to keep a separate memory settings for each PDB as we […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : Local UNDO and Flashback PDB Database


You can now flashback PDB database exclusively with Local UNDO enabled. In earlier versions, Oracle shares the undo tablespace for CDB and PDB’s and creates a common view for transaction and instance recovery done at all CDB and PDB level. With local undo , Oracle has to change this a bit, it has to […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : SQLPLUS Enhancements

In 12.2 release, one of the coolest things that every DBA would love is to get history in SQLPLUS :).

Now you can have history ON/OFF with SQLPLUS and see history



Some other features like, FAST OPTION -F flag to set the ARRAYSIZE PAGESIZE STATEMENTCACHE all […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : Oracle Sharding on its Way

DBA’s , Oracle is coming with Sharding. The one killer feature that No-SQL databases claiming distributed processing with sharding aka a non-shared database storage.

Now with release 12.2 Oracle releasing Sharding feature, with new command “Create Sharded Table” and with a catalog schema, well hold on second , its basically distributed partitioning relied on partitioning […]

Oracle 12.2 New Features : Long Identifiers – What a relief

Oracle 12.2. is out and in Cloud first. 🙂

Out of all features one future must aware and important thing is long identifiers limitation relief , earlier any table or index cannot exceed more than 30 character length.

Not sure how many of you have face issues with character limit, but I was, and many […]

MongoDB for Oracle DBA’s Part 11 : Enabling Preferred Read on Standby (Secondary) Instances

As we know in ASM we can specificy the preferred read fail group to scatter the reads across the failgroups to reduce the read contention on single disk group. Similarly in MongoDB you can set to read the data from secondary servers i.e standby, In other words take this as active dataguard feature where you […]

MongoDB for Oracle DBA’s Part 10 : Switchover & Role Transition between Primary and Secondary

In MongoDB as like Oracle Dataguard switchover is possible to but in different way.

You can ask Primary to stepdown and let nodes elect a new primary in replicaset. This can be done using rs.stepDown() method.

Before stepping down primary, one must know the below

The procedure blocks all writes to primary while it runs […]