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AWS RDS : Oracle RDS Auditing (XML) Script


We want to report general audit report daily from our databases who have made manual modifications to the database so it may be helpful for us to retrospect when needed.

How this report looks like, find useful?

User Schema Name Object INSERTS DELETES UPDATES ALTER GRANTS DROPS TRUNCATE ————– ——————– ———————– ——- ——- ——- […]

APACOUC Webinar – My Next Presentation – Building a Datalake

Hello All,

My Next Presentation in APACOUC Webinar Tour – Building a Datalake – registration link is now open.If any one interested, please register at below link.

August 18, 2017 – 19:00 AEST (3PM IST) – Suresh Gandhi presenting: Building a DataLake – More info or register Here

Other webinar registrations are also open


AWS EBS Snapshot Cleanup Script


Today it’s another script, we have got piles of EBS snapshots (around 50,000) over period of 2 years.To give a bit background the EBS volume snapshots will be taken every 4 hours along with our rds snapshots to maintain the recover-ability for some of the lob objects. So each volume having 6 per day […]

AWS RDS: Stop & Start Script


Well, many of you may already have this, but most of you have deployed this kind of script with lambda with a list of instances as input.

However, in my case the instances changes at least weekly as we build and terminate every two weeks and instances list is not constant, so with instances […]

ANZ Webinar Tour 2017 – Presentation Replay – DevOps for Databases

Hello All,

My latest presentation replay for DevOps for Databases is here.

And please watch out for My upcoming presentation:

August 18, 2017 – 19:00 AEST – Suresh Gandhi presenting: Building a DataLake , more information at

More replay’s at Youtube channel :



ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol Database driver error


Hope you might have already gone through below, just in case if not. All of our developer tools/ETL tools datastage/Informatica etc. are failing with ora-28040 once we upgraded to oracle 12c.

This is due to, As per Oracle, In Oracle 12.1 the default value for the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter has been updated to 11. This […]

ANZ Free Webinar Tour – Second Wave registrations

Hello All,

The Second wave of APACOUC – IAOUG ANZ Webinars registrations open now and you have more exciting presentations to come.

And I am presenting topic Devops for Databases which details about Devops Principles to databases, why they are hard to implement, creating your own framework, strategy, approach, tools that needed for each approach […]

Oracle Sharding – Updated Presentation & Webinar Recording

Hello All,

Thanks for joining and attached the updated presentation and webinar recording link.

Note: Please skip the first 10 Mins as the presentation is not shared properly. :).

Find other Recorded Webinars at

Updated Presentation: Click Here


ANZ Webinar Tour – 2017 – Registrations Open

Hello All,

IAOUG and APACOUC proudly announces ANZ Webinar Tour – 2017.

The 2017 Webinar Tour will be running from July 3rd until August 25th with the participation of over 20 International Speakers that will be presenting over 50 interesting presentations, making it the largest webinar series ever made in the Oracle world!

Registration Links […]

Oracle Sharding : Part 2 – Installating & Configuring Shards

In Previous post of the series, I have written about an overview of Oracle Sharding and its features.

In this post, you will be seeing how to configure oracle shard and what steps are need to be performed.

Over all, I felt its very easy to setup and configurewhen compare to RAC setup. All you […]