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Starting 18c, A new pool is introduced in SGA called MemOptimize pool to store the frequently access tables (in other words pin your tables in buffer cache) via primary key values. The Memoptimized Rowstore (pool) uses a memory area in the system global area (SGA) called the memoptimize pool that stores the hash indexes of […]

18c Database: RPM Based Database Installations

This is the first post in the series of 18c Database features.

Starting with Oracle Database 18c, you can use the Oracle Preinstallation RPM and the rpm -ivh command to perform an RPM-based single-instance Oracle Database or Oracle Database Client installation.

An RPM-based installation performs preinstallation checks, extracts the database software, reassigns ownership of the […] PDB Database Save State

In, one must have a trigger or script to open all PDB’s once the CDB is restarted. But from, there is a new option “Save State” for alter pluggable database command.

Let’s test it

This is the status of my PDB’s select name,open_mode from v$pdbs; NAME OPEN_MODE —————————— ———- PDB$SEED READ ONLY PDB3 […]

Opatch auto fails CRS-6706

Opatchauto failing with error CRS 6706 : Oracle Clusterware Release patch level (‘nnnnnn’) does not match Software patch level (‘nnnnnn’).

This can be due to with two reasons

One of the node in the cluster have different patches than other The patch level from one node to other is different.

How to find it?

$/u01/app/ […]

Datapatch fails with The pluggable databases that need to be patched must be in upgrade mode

With recent PSU Patch (Jan18) , while runnin datapatch the following issue occurred.

Error: prereq checks failed! patch 22139226: The pluggable databases that need to be patched must be in upgrade mode Prereq check failed, exiting without installing any patches.

There is an option called “skip_upgrade_check” for datapatch.

$ ./datapatch -verbose -skip_upgrade_check SQL Patching tool […]

EXPDP Import View as Table

Starting 12c, we can export a view and import it as table instead of view using data pump. SQL> create view emp_dept as select empno, ename, dept.deptno , dname from emp, dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno; View created.

expdp directory=DBA_DATAPUMP dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=test.log VIEWS_AS_TABLES=emp_dept_vw

Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/VIEWS_AS_TABLES/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 16 KB Processing object […]

Oracle 12.2 New Feature : Hot Clone PDB using Database Link


In release 12.2, we can use database link to clone the PDB. Here is the example.



SQL> CREATE DATABASE LINK clone_link CONNECT TO c##clone_dba IDENTIFIED BY clone_dba USING ‘pdb1’;



Docker : Oracle MySQL Container


Assuming you have completed docker installation on windows and registered with oracle container registry, Read first part here if not yet done

This post explain how to create a container for mysql and also show some example of managing container etc. In less than 10 mins mysql database is ready and you can practice […]

Docker : Oracle Weblogic Container


Assuming you have done the installation of docker and registered to container registry. This post elaborates the weblogic docker usage and how to see logs and manage weblogic. At last of this post I will also show you to run some examples to create additional domain /servers etc with docker samples.

In less than […]

Oracle Container Registry – Docker for Oracle Databases

Hello All,

This post is about how to use Docker and utilize oracle container registry i.e oracle official docker hub.

Until now,I am using open source/public docker images from dockerhub, Today I had a final look on Oracle Container Registry which having Official Oracle Docker Images with different products like FMW,Database,Goldengate,Java, Coherence,Weblogic.

These two locations […]