Suppose you have been asked about how much reads/writes happening and what are the wait events that occured for a object(table) in a given period or overall. so then read on….
We have different ways to get the Table level statistics like waits/reads/logical reads/physical reads /writes etc.
1) In Oracle 8i you can use catio.sql to measure the I/O for a given period.
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catio.sql SQL> exec sample_io(10,60); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from io_per_object;
2) In Oracle 9i, we have got v$segment_statistics, the following script provides the cross tab report for the segment level statistics (run time)
SQL> select distinct statistic_name from v$segment_statistics; STATISTIC_NAME ---------------------------------------- ITL waits buffer busy waits db block changes global cache cr blocks served global cache current blocks served logical reads physical reads physical reads direct physical writes physical writes direct row lock waits -- Crosstab of object and statistic for an owner -- (source dbaoracle) col "Object" format a20 set numwidth 12 set lines 132 set pages 50 @title132 'Object Wait Statistics' spool rep_out&&dbobj_stat_xtab select * from ( select DECODE (GROUPING(a.object_name), 1, 'All Objects', a.object_name) AS "Object", sum(case when a.statistic_name = 'ITL waits' then a.value else null end) "ITL Waits", sum(case when a.statistic_name = 'buffer busy waits' then a.value else null end) "Buffer Busy Waits", sum(case when a.statistic_name = 'row lock waits' then a.value else null end) "Row Lock Waits", sum(case when a.statistic_name = 'physical reads' then a.value else null end) "Physical Reads", sum(case when a.statistic_name = 'logical reads' then a.value else null end) "Logical Reads" from v$segment_statistics a where a.owner like upper('&owner') group by rollup(a.object_name)) b where (b."ITL Waits">0 or b."Buffer Busy Waits">0) / spool off clear columns
3) Further enhancement, history of these statistics in dba_hist_seg_stat views. can be viewed, the following query generates a report of physical writes/or reads for the given owner day wise.
select distinct to_char(begin_interval_time,'mm/dd') c1, sum(physical_reads_total) reads, sum(physical_writes_total) writes from dba_hist_seg_stat s, dba_hist_seg_stat_obj o ,dba_hist_snapshot sn where o.owner = '&USERNAME and s.obj# = o.obj# and sn.snap_id = s.snap_id and object_name = '&OBJNAME group by to_char(begin_interval_time,'mm/dd') order by 1;
For all period:-
select to_char(begin_interval_time,'yy/mm/dd/hh24') c1, logical_reads_total c2, physical_reads_total c3 from dba_hist_seg_stat s, dba_hist_seg_stat_obj o, dba_hist_snapshot sn where o.owner = '&schemaname' and s.obj# = o.obj# and sn.snap_id = s.snap_id and object_name = '&objname' order by begin_interval_time;
Hope this scripts will be useful to you all as well.
Geek DBA
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