Thanks to my colleague (Satish) to share this.
Here is the nice script to find the relative object name that is having block corruption, ofcourse the the v$database_block_corruption will populate only when you run the rman command.
1) RMAN> Backup validate check logical database; This will populate the v$data_block_corruption with rows about the blocks that is involved in block corruption and the type in v$data_block_corruption has different values 2) Next run this statement to identify the objects associated with corruption SQL> SELECT e.owner, e.segment_type, e.segment_name, e.partition_name, c.file# , greatest(e.block_id, c.block#) corr_start_block# , least(e.block_id+e.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1) corr_end_block# , least(e.block_id+e.blocks-1, c.block#+c.blocks-1) - greatest(e.block_id, c.block#) + 1 blocks_corrupted , null description FROM dba_extents e, v$database_block_corruption c WHERE e.file_id = c.file# AND e.block_id = c.block#; OWNER SEGMENT_TYPE SEGMENT_NAME PARTITION_NAME FILE# ---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------- ---------- CORR_START_BLOCK# CORR_END_BLOCK# BLOCKS_CORRUPTED D ----------------- --------------- ---------------- - TEST INDEX XXXXXXXXXXXX 62 ME_IDX 292779 292779 1
Hope this helps
Geek DBA
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