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Oracle RAC: Node evictions & 11gR2 node eviction means restart of cluster stack not reboot of node

Cluster integrity and cluster membership will be governed by occsd (oracle cluster synchronization daemon) monitors the nodes using 2 communication channels:

- Private Interconnect  aka Network Heartbeat
- Voting Disk based communication aka  Disk Heartbeat

Network heartbeat:-

Each node in the cluster is “pinged” every second

  • Nodes must respond in css_misscount time (defaults to 30 secs.)
          – Reducing the css_misscount time is generally not supported
  • Network heartbeat failures will lead to node evictions
  • CSSD-log:
        [date / time] [CSSD][1111902528]
        clssnmPollingThread: node mynodename (5) at 75% heartbeat fatal, removal  in 6.7 sec

Disk Heartbeat:-

Each node in the cluster “pings” (r/w) the Voting Disk(s) every second

  • Nodes must receive a response in (long / short) diskTimeout time
            – IF I/O errors indicate clear accessibility problems  timeout is irrelevant
  • Disk heartbeat failures will lead to node evictions
  • CSSD-log: …
         [CSSD] [1115699552] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat:node(2) is down. rcfg(1) wrtcnt(1) LATS(63436584) Disk lastSeqNo(1)

Now, we know with above possibilities (network, disk heartbeat failures can lead to node eviction, but sometime when the server/occsd/resource request also makes the node get evicted which are extreme cases)

Why nodes should be evicted?

Evicting (fencing) nodes is a preventive measure (it’s a good thing)!

  • Nodes are evicted to prevent consequences of a split brain:
        – Shared data must not be written by independently operating nodes
        – The easiest way to prevent this is to forcibly remove a node from the cluster

How are nodes evicted? – STONITH
Once it is determined that a node needs to be evicted,

  • A “kill request” is sent to the respective node(s)
        – Using all (remaining) communication channels
  • A node (CSSD) is requested to “kill itself” - “STONITH like”
        – “STONITH” foresees that a remote node kills the node to be evicted
    EXAMPLE: Voting Disk Failure
    Voting Disks and heartbeat communication is used to determine the node

  • In a 2 node cluster, the node with the lowest node number should survive
  • In a n-node cluster, the biggest sub-cluster should survive (votes based)

EXAMPLE: Network heartbeat failure

  • The network heartbeat between nodes has failed
          – It is determined which nodes can still talk to each other
          – A “kill request” is sent to the node(s) to be evicted
  • Using all (remaining) communication channels  Voting Disk(s)
  • A node is requested to “kill itself”; executer: typically CSSD

EXAMPLE: What if CSSD is stuck or server itself is not responding?

A node is requested to “kill itself”

  • BUT CSSD is “stuck” or “sick” (does not execute) – e.g.:
  •           – CSSD failed for some reason
             – CSSD is not scheduled within a certain margin

    OCSSDMONITOR (was: oprocd) will take over and execute

EXAMPLE: Cluster member (rac instance) can request a to kill another member (RAC Instance)

A cluster member (rac instance ) can request a kill another member in order to protect the data integrity, in such cases like control file progress record not written proper by the failure instance(read here) , then occsd tries to kill that member, if not possible its tries to evict the node.


11gR2 Changes –> Important, in 11GR2, the fencing (eviction) does not to reboot.

  • Until Oracle Clusterware, fencing (eviction) meant “re-boot”
  • With Oracle Clusterware, re-boots will be seen less, because:
         – Re-boots affect applications that might run an a node, but are not protected
         – Customer requirement: prevent a reboot, just stop the cluster – implemented...

How does this works?

With Oracle Clusterware, re-boots will be seen less: Instead of fast re-booting the node, a graceful shutdown of the cluster stack is attempted


  • It starts with a failure – e.g. network heartbeat or interconnect failure
  • Then IO issuing processes are killed; it is made sure that no IO process remains
         – For a RAC DB mainly the log writer and the database writer are of concern
  • Once all IO issuing processes are killed, remaining processes are stopped
         – IF the check for a successful kill of the IO processes, fails → reboot
  • Once all remaining processes are stopped, the stack stops itself with a “restart flag”
  • OHASD will finally attempt to restart the stack after the graceful shutdown
  •    Exception to above:- 

  • IF the check for a successful kill of the IO processes fails → reboot
  • IF CSSD gets killed during the operation → reboot
  • IF cssdmonitor (oprocd replacement) is not scheduled → reboot
  • IF the stack cannot be shutdown in “short_disk_timeout”-seconds → reboot

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