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Unix: Performance tools available for you

This is beginning of Unix series post for DBA’s to understand the monitoring tools for Linux

Sysstat is the package that contains various tools or utilities to collect or view the performance of the Unix servers.

Installing sysstat


tar xvfj sysstat-10.0.0.tar.bz2

cd sysstat-10.0.0

./configure --enable-install-cron


make install


$ sar –V

sysstat version 10.0.0 (C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat


Tools or Utilities that are part of Sysstat package


  • sar collects and displays ALL system activities statistics.
  • sadc stands for “system activity data collector”. This is the sar backend tool that does the data collection.
  • sa1 stores system activities in binary data file. sa1 depends on sadc for this purpose. sa1 runs from cron.
  • sa2 creates daily summary of the collected statistics. sa2 runs from cron.
  • sadf can generate sar report in CSV, XML, and various other formats. Use this to integrate sar data with other tools.
  • iostat generates CPU, I/O statistics
  • mpstat displays CPU statistics.
  • pidstat reports statistics based on the process id (PID)
  • nfsiostat displays NFS I/O statistics.
  • cifsiostat generates CIFS statistics.

Next Post: Top 10 Useful commands in SAR


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