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Oracle SODA : Simple Oracle Document Access

Oracle’s Simple Oracle Document Store is an interface to manage Document Store type work loads in Oracle Database. Leveraging JSON Object Support with in Oracle Database. SchemaLess & NOSQL access but fully acid complaint. Collection Management through various implementations like  Java, Rest, Python, Native SQL etc.

Store and manage JSON and XML documents in Oracle Database

  • Accessible via REST and all major programming languages
  • Full query capabilities using JSON Path, XQuery and SQL
  • Comprehensive, path-aware indexing
  • No need to learn SQL or require DBA when developing applications
  • Fits into the DevOPS paradigm

Built on Foundation on Oracle Database

  • Transactions and consistency
  • Advanced SQL engine
  • Enterprise-Grade High Availability
  • Enterprise-Grade Security
  • Scalability and Performance: Exadata and Real Application Clusters
  • Supports Oracle Public Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle SODA Implementations Patterns



SODA for REST URI Patterns

SODA for NodeJs Implementation




All Practice Videos on Oracle SODA


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