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11g RAC Failover Test Cases

Hello All,

We all build RAC infrastructure and we have seen many cases that environment is not stable after live or when start using it.

The reasons may be many, but due to vast technologies involvement in high availability concepts we do not know or we ignore many aspects while doing environment testing.

It is indeed very important, We need to do end to end test cases with regards to failovers as the high availability infrastructure is meant for that.  Zero failure tolerance, or Connection failover or what ever the case this test cases should be structured, well organized so that our high availability solution to business critical systems should be fool proof.

Have collected the RAC failover test cases from various sources and modified a bit , attached here in with categorical wise which may be useful to you all when some one ask you about to do testing of RAC new environment.

This documents contains,

Category of testing

Action & Target we are testing

Steps to carry out testing

Expected result of testing

Test result to record

Category Test Cases Document Remarks
Private Network Cable FailuresPublic Network Cable Failures

RAC Host Failures

Oracle HA Features

Vendor HA Features

11gR2 New Features testing (OCR/Voting/HAIP etc)

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Storage RAC Host-to-Storage Cable FailuresRAC Host-to-Storage NIC/HBA Failures

Storage Rack/Enclosure Failures

Oracle File Corruption or I/O Fencing Scenarios

NAS/SAN Storage Administrative Tasks


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Stress Run heavy database load Download here
ASM Kill ASM InstanceFail ASM Disks

Reboot node while adding one ASM Disk

Destroy One failgroup while in normal redundancy

Download here
ACFS Kill VDBG ProcessPhysically fail one of the ASM failure diskgroups

Resize ACFS disks by acfsutil

Download here


Geek DBA

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