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Statistics Comparison – Handy Scripts

If you are working a production support DBA and very often you will need to check the statistics of the table and how much change what changed in each columns etc. I have figured out two ways for it and seems very useful.

Option 1:- 11gR1 has a package to show differences and comparison of statistics previous date and current date or what given date (30 days retention)

Step 1:       set longchunksize 10000 pages 1000 lines 1000 long 100000

Step 2:-       select * from table(dbms_stats.diff_table_stats_in_history(

                    ownname => user,

                    tabname => upper('&tabname'),

                    time1 => systimestamp,

                    time2 => to_timestamp('&time2','yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss'),

                    pctthreshold => 0));   

Enter value for tabname: TEST

old   3:                     tabname => upper('&tabname'),

new   3:                     tabname => upper('TEST'),

Enter value for time2: 2015-08-20:10:00:00

old   5:                     time2 => to_timestamp('&time2','yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss'),

new   5:                     time2 => to_timestamp('2015-08-20:10:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss'),

Step 3:-    You get an output like below. Nice isn't it? And also gives the ability to understand which column has difference more. A & B tells the A period and B period, Min Max tells the minimum/maximum num of rows

Option:-2 - Just run the plain query to percentage the change of statistics in dba_tab_statistics and dba_tab_modification_history

 colu anlyzd_rows form 99999,999,999

 colu tot_rows form 99999,999,999

 colu tab_name form a45

 colu chngs form 99,999,999,999

 colu pct_c form 9999999990.99

 col truncated head 'Trun|cated' for a5 justify l

 select dbta.owner||'.'||dbta.table_name tab_name

 , dbta.num_rows anlyzd_rows

 , to_char(dbta.last_analyzed,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') last_anlzd

 , nvl(dbta.num_rows,0)+nvl(dtm.inserts,0) -nvl(dtm.deletes,0) tot_rows

 , nvl(dtm.inserts,0)+nvl(dtm.deletes,0)+nvl(dtm.updates,0) chngs

 ,(nvl(dtm.inserts,0)+nvl(dtm.deletes,0)+nvl(dtm.updates,0)) /greatest(nvl(dbta.num_rows,0),1) pct_c

 , dtm.truncated

 from dba_tab_statistics dbta

 left outer join sys.dba_tab_modifications dtm

 on dbta.owner = dtm.table_owner

 and dbta.table_name = dtm.table_name

 and dtm.partition_name is null



 --dbta.last_analyzed < sysdate - 1


 and dbta.owner='&owner' order by dbta.last_analyzed desc;

And the output as below. As you see below the percentage change of DML for each table after last stats collection, this helps you to keep additional jobs in place for very much volatile tables.

Geek DBA

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