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ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13030], [20],

Learnt new thing today, thanks to my colleague Gagan.

Alert log showing this error, whilst checking the trace shows an update statement into a table which is capturing the sid,serial# from gv$session.

So then why ora-600, As per metalink note:-
Ora-00600 [13030], [20] During Update Statement Using V$ tables [ID 1400439.1]

For updates we use a 3 pass algorithm which relies on consistent read. If the first pass does not succeed then we use a CR scan and lock the rows returned, then reset the row source and use a further CR scan at the same snapshot SCN to update those locked rows. The V$ view in the WHERE clause does not support CR and so each scan using the same snapshot SCN may see different data depending on the content of V$SESSION at the scan time which completely breaks the update algorithm. The errors you see (ORA-600 [13030]) indicate:
[1] - the row to be updated has changed values in comparison columns
[2] - the row to be updated does not exist
These are the sorts of error you can get if the separate scans at the same snapshot SCN return different data, as can occur with a V$ view involved.

Finally, the V$views are not read consistent hence we cannot use them directly to capture the things

The solution would be create a table, insert into that table with the values from v$session and then update the records in the table we created if req.

What I have learnt, the algorithm for updates, three pass which relies on consistent read. and CR scan again reads to that SCN snapshot to update the locks, where the V$views are not consistent read its breaking the algorithm.

Nice note!!!!
Geek DBA

5 comments to ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13030], [20],

  • uma

    hi Geek DBA sir,
    i got similiar ORA error in last week ,

    Errors in file /oracle/admin/abcdb/bdump/abcdbstg_smon_26585.trc:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13013], [5001], [368], [4195614], [9], [4195614], [3], []
    Thu Feb 21 15:35:38 2013
    Non-fatal internal error happenned while SMON was doing flushing of monitored table stats.
    SMON encountered 7 out of maximum 100 non-fatal internal errors.
    Thu Feb 21 15:35:48 2013
    his format relates to Oracle Server 8.0.3

    when this error will come , the database goes to abnormal shutdown.

    please suggest me with some solution.

    • Hello,

      This is due to large undo segment that is smon trying to recover or offline, by setting below event smon will offline all and proceed to open database. once the database is opened , immediately take a backup. I have also encountered this recently and used the same.

      If Smon is terminating the instance then.

      Set event 10513 and startup the database

      event=”10513 trace name context forever, level 2″

      SQL>Startup mount ;

      SQL>Show parameter event

      SQL>Alter datatabase open ;


  • LB require

    Hi Geek DBA ,

    i have got the same error with you ,600,13030,20, because the update.

    how to resolve it without modify my programe(because it is a product).


    • ketandba

      Same case appear, you will have to set the event to get rid of the error, may be you may loose some transaction
      Geek DBA

  • Rajeev Kumar

    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16500],
    This error may comes when there is multiple objects with same name with capital & small characters & some one drop the one object.

    Solution: First make unique names of objects with renaming from right click at object name in connection window, then delete them.
    Now Re-create one