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RHEL 6.4: ASMLib Availability

From the release notes:-


As we aware that Oracle didn’t shipped the ASMLIB for RHEL, to progress on that, RHEL has came up with similar modules.

Oracle ASMLib Availability and Support

Oracle ASM (Automated Storage Management) is a data volume manager for Oracle databases. ASMLib is an optional utility that can be used on Linux systems to manage Oracle ASM devices. ASMLib consists of the following components:

  • kmod-oracleasm (open-source (GPL) kernel module package)

  • oracleasm-support (open-source (GPL) utilities package)

  • oracleasmlib (proprietary library package)

ASM features and functionality are available without ASMLib. The use of ASMLib does not affect database performance. The ASMLib kernel module package is now available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Supplementary RHN channel. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 customers who use ASMLib can obtain the other two components using the instructions in the following KnowledgeBase article:

The ASMLib kernel module package is provided for the convenience of our customers but is not supported, nor are the ABIs guaranteed per Red Hat's Supplementary software package support terms available at:

Please note that Red Hat is continuing to develop fully open-source alternatives to ASMLib. Red Hat has provided a reference architecture for Oracle RAC clusters using upstream-accepted technologies such as dm-multipath and udev. This reference architecture is available at:

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