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Average Active Sessions (AAS) by Hour

Here is the script and snippet of Average Active Sessions plotted by Hour in Oracle database. This is similar to Oracle Log switch history.

This helps DBA to understand the hourly metric of AAS and determine any spikes of the active sessions for the problematic period or gather some particular trend of AAS. […]

Oracle 23c

Looks like some more exciting features / enhancements is going to appear in Oracle 23c as per DAOUG presentations. Hope lot more will be announced in OCW22.

From Productivity Stand point view

4K ColumnsSQL DomainsJSON SchemaDeveloper RoleSchema-Level PrivilegesJS Stored ProceduresSingle Server rolling maintenanceNative property graphs

From Simplicity stand

Rest API’s for auto upgradeOracle […]

Time Series Analysis – Predict Alerts & Events

Hello All,

This post is intended to give you an understanding of upcoming series of Timeseries analysis and how it can be useful to predict issues that may arise in future or predict growth etc.

Think of this, Many of the SRE’s or admins work today mostly by doing reactive fixes (some may not) […]