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Database Service Availability Summary – Grafana Dashboard

Database landscape become vast and we have seen unprecedented growth and usage of many database technologies in the organizations and no one size fit for all tool is available in the market to monitor all of those databases.

I have started the journey with Prometheus monitoring couple of years back and found its very promising and currently we monitor all of open source databases (as it stand today, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Neo4j, Cassandra, Mongodb,Elasticsearch). The rich grafana dashboards and the community contribution for exporters is really great

All I did not found is a Service Availability summary of all databases dashboard which tells me the % of database availability during the period which will be a obvious KPI for any Operations team.

I have looked around and could not find anything, so started creating my own dashboard and a good learning to me too.

Here are the snippets for the same, which provide summary of service availability of all databases that you are currently tagged to prometheus. All you need to have is the label "tech" and "env" so then all good. The source of the data is "prometheus" you can change once you deploy the dashboard in grafana.

Dashboard json can be downloaded from , here

Hope this help to you too.

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