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Future of DBA – A constant question

In constant pursuit of human race behind technology with all due respect of it this post dedicated to all those of like mine.

Often I  (in fact everyone of reading this)  am been asked a question , what is future of DBA with cloud, autonomous etc.

Well that's not for only DBA's its every where, BA/BI roles has been renamed as Data Scientists and Server Admins already adopted Infrastructure as Code with advent of cloud etc. And some of our folks already been working in BigData or NoSQL classified them as Data Engineers (Build/Run/Maintain clusters). So its time for rest of folks to look at that aspect. We may no more been called DBA's ( do not know even what we will be called in next 5-10 years). I remember Arup Nanda blogged long time back when Exadata is on its way and he written DBA's as DMA's. So lets wait someone let call us something 🙂

Back to question, "Future of DBA", surely its not any more a single technology it should be multifold, I tried to put it in on my own way below as separate quadrant and they are equally important, so that I track my self am I covering what Industry has been. We need to learn (constant pursuit of human race behind technology) a lot, indeed its not a mid career switch infact its beginning. Those who already started that's good if not its time to start.

Of course, the list below are latest buzz in industry now, when we actually learn and try to apply they may fade away (or not).  But let's start one in each one this quadrants. You don't need to mastered but you will need to be enough knowledgeable to run the things.  (as IT Operations has only thing to do is Run the Business)

I have not added the Virtualisation/Hypervisor in the list, since they are different from what above. So ideally this is it

Containerization and Virtualization play vital role in building microservices, so it will be helpful if you start learning how Docker Container works and tools like kubernetes etc.

Hope this helps

Happy to take questions on this 🙂



3 comments to Future of DBA – A constant question

  • Jaipal

    Nice. Thank you Suresh.

  • Manjunath Maller

    This is an excellent guidance for future -2019 and ahead.Mastering every aspect in every Quadrant will be wonderful.Please keep updating this blog post time to time for timely guidance to learners like us.I was glad to meet you at Sangam.

  • Om Prakash

    Thank you Suresh,
    I am Oracle DBA and I have to update myself with new technologies but question is which path I will choose? which help me to carry my old experience as well.