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AIOUG Hyderabad – Oracle Autonomous Database 18c


AIOUG Hyderabad chapter conducting free half day seminar on 18c Database and I am speaking on 18c New Features.

Please register for free either click on image or below link and seats are limited.

aioug-hyderabad-chapter-18c autonomous database seminar

I am speaking too
Time Topic Speaker Info
08 30 AM - 9 00 AM - Registrations
9 00 AM - 9 15 AM -  Introduction to AIOUG Mukesh Sharma (Delivery Head, Tech M)
9 15 AM - 09 45 AM - Journey of Autonomous Database Pradeep Vattem (Oracle Evangelist, AIOUG Hyderabad Chapter)
09 45 AM - 10 30 AM - Oracle Autonomous Database cloud Datthathiri Srinivasan (Director Oracle)
10 30 AM - 10 45 AM - Tea Break/Networking
10 45 AM - 11 45 AM - New Features of 18c Suresh Gandhi (Senior Manager, Qualcomm, Technology Director IAOUG)
11 45 AM - 12 30 PM - Oracle Autonomous Data warehouse Cloud Datthathiri Srinivasan (Director Oracle)
12 30 PM - 1 PM - Technical Discussion & Closing Lighting Talk

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