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Cassandra for Oracle DBA’s Part 3 – Architecture

In Oracle (infact for any RDBMS) , will have a memory structures and processes (or thread) to process the data. 

If we take Oracle as an example, lets look the similarities

1. Memory Architecture

Oracle Cassandra (NO-SQL DB) Parameter to Set in Cassandra.yaml file Comments
SGA Java Heap Memory 


SGA is shared global area , where in the Java Heap Memory is used for Cassandra Core Engine

BufferPool Memtables memtable_total_space_in_mb

Memtables in Cassandra used for each single table to store the recently used or modifying data, unlike a large buffer cache

suppose you have DML on 4 tables , it will create 4 Memtables in the memory 

Result Cache Row Cache row_cache_size_in_mb  As like result cache in Oracle, you can store certain rows (entire rows) in table in memory by using rowcache
RowCache Partition Key Cache key_cache_size_in_mb

When an operation has to perform on a block, one must know the Block location in terms of Block Number, Disk number, node name etc.

To achieve this, Oracle relies on Data Dictionary Cache and get block number and file number and then read from the disk.

In Cassandra, Data Stores on disk based on Partition Key Value and this Key will be stored in Partition Key Cache to effectively get the data from disk 

Hash Buckets Bloom Filter bloom_filter_fp_chance

In Oracle to find the data block in buffer cache, Oracle uses mod function to find the right bucket for the data. This will help process not to traverse entire block chain.

Similarly, Cassandra checks the Bloom filter to discover which SSTables are likely to have the request partition data. The Bloom filter is stored in off-heap memory. Each SSTable has a Bloom filter associated with it.

Create table ..... (bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01)

NA PartitionSummary

min_index_interval 128 and max_index_interval 2048, or index_interval 128

The partition summary is an off-heap in-memory structure that stores a sampling of the partition index. A partition index contains all partition keys, whereas a partition summary samples every X keys, and maps the location of every Xth key's location in the index file. For example, if the partition summary is set to sample every 20 keys, it will store the location of the first key as the beginning of the SSTable file, the 20th key and its location in the file, and so on.

NA CompressionOffsets  

Compression offset maps holds the offset information for compressed blocks. By default all tables in Cassandra are compressed and more the compression ratio larger the compression offset table.

2. Physical Structures

Oracle Cassandra Parameter Comments
RedoLog CommitLog



To maintain the durability of the Transaction any database should write the transaction to off a file like redo log or transaction log or a commit log in case of cassandra. . The purpose of the commitlog is to be able to recreate the memtable after a node crashes or gets rebooted. This is important, since the memtable only gets flushed to disk when it's 'full'
Datafile SSTables



In oracle the table is stored in form of segments and extents and blocks in a physical datafile. And it is contiguous or non-contigous and fits into a single or multiple large datafiles.

Where the SSTables

  • Each table will have a physical SSTable on disk
  • SSTables are immutable, well immutable means it cannot be written again, kind of Write and then Readonly (like temp)
  • So how about a write that need to modify the Table aka SSTable?
  • A transaction will create a new SSTable with new data on same disk with increment the file number
  • Both of this SSTables (aka files) will be merged together called Compaction when required or when reached the number of SSTables threshold
  • In multinode environment, this SSTables are spawned across nodes with data distributed based on Token Range of that node.

SSTables consists of different types:-

  • BloomFilter
  • Index
  • Compression File
  • Statistics File
  • Datafile
  • Summary File
  • TOC.txt

General Architecture

How Read Occurs in Cassandra?

  • Check the memtable
  • Check row cache, if enabled
  • Checks Bloom filter
  • Checks partition key cache, if enabled
  • Goes directly to the compression offset map if a partition key is found in the partition key cache, or checks the partition summary if not

    If the partition summary is checked, then the partition index is accessed

  • Locates the data on disk using the compression offset map
  • Fetches the data from the SSTable on disk

How Write Occurs in Cassandra

Cassandra processes data at several stages on the write path, starting with the immediate logging of a write and ending in compaction:

  • Logging data in the commit log
  • Writing data to the memtable
  • Flushing data from the memtable
  • Storing data on disk in SSTables
  • Compaction, by merging the SSTables

3. Logical Structures

Oracle Cassandra Command Comments
Schema Keyspace
  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : n };

Keyspace is a schema a collection of Tables a top level namespace

Replication Factor is used to determine the Mirroring of data in a multinode environment

Table ColumnFamily
  ID text,
  firstname text,
  lastname text,

A table is often called as ColumnFamily in NO-SQL , created with primary key , 

ParitionKey PartitionKey
  ID text,
  firstname text,
  lastname text,

primary key means the partition key to store the data in column pair not the primary key in Oracle.

As like Oracle's Composite Primary Key aka Partitioning you can set multiple columns to the Primary Key

Indexes Index
CREATE INDEX user_state
   ON TEST.Users (lastname);
Creating a simple index whichi inturn creates a file on disk.
Sequence Counter
CREATE TABLE TEST.page_view_counts
  (counter_value counter,
  url_name varchar,
  page_name varchar,
  PRIMARY KEY (url_name, page_name)

Here the datatype counter depicts , its a sequence based value, so you just can increment in your dml and code 

ex: UPDATE counterks.page_view_counts SET counter_value = counter_value + WHERE url_name='' AND page_name='home';

Trigger Trigger
  ON myTable
  USING 'org.apache.cassandra.triggers.INDEXCHECK'
In RDBMS, Triggers are stored as compiled code in the memory of the Database called SharedPool/Library Cache, where in the cassandra implementation, To create a trigger, you must first build a jar with a class implementing the ITrigger interface and put it into the triggers directory on every node, then perform a CQL3 CREATE TRIGGER request to tie your trigger to a Cassandra table (or several tables)
Type Type
  street text,
  city text,
  zip_code int,
  phones set<text>
Facilitates handling multiple fields of related information, such as address information: street, city, and postal code.
Undo Tombstones gc_grace_seconds Deletes do not remove the rows and columns immediately and in-place. Instead, Cassandra writes a special marker, called a tombstone, indicating that a row, column, or range of columns was deleted. These tombstones are kept for at least the period of time defined by the gc_grace_seconds per-table setting

Image Courtesy: Datastax



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