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12c Server Pools in action : Instance and service failover to server pools

In the Previous post we have converted the orcl database to server pool OLTP_SP which is running on three nodes rac01,rac03,rac04 and free server is available in rac02.

Okay lets have some discussion before proceeding,

1. Does in pre 11g version , if a instance crashed does it failed over to any node?

No. […]

12c Database : Convert Admin Managed Database to Policy Managed Database

From 11g onwards, the database can be managed in two modes, Administer managed, i.e instance allocation/deletion service allocation/deletion and evictions will be managed by Administrator.

Where in from the 11gr2 onwards the instance allocation to hosts will be based on the cardinality and services running is also based on their configuration with in the serverpools.


12c Server Pools : Creating & Managing Server Pools

Hello All,

If you have not read server pool concept so far please read it from here.

In this post we were going to see,

1. create the server pools OLTP_SP with 2 nodes minimum and maximum 2 nodes with importance 4

2. That leaves 2 node in free pool out of my 4 […]

Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Creating and Testing TAF Services


In this post we will create TAF (Transparent Application Failover) Services as such pre-11gr2 method that is available and preferred instances way.


1. 4 Node RAC, rac01,rac02,rac03,rac04 running orcl database and its instances.

2. A service server_taf is created, for which orcl1 is available instance and orcl2 is the preferred instance.

TAF […]

Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Adding a New Node in 12c RAC

In Previous post here and here we have seen deleting and adding back the deleted node to Cluster.

In this post we will see how to add a new node in the cluster

Environment, Assuming you have a new server with OS (OEL) installed and,

Phase 1. You have to install or clone the GRID […]

Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Adding a deleted Node


This is the continuation of previous post from the good work by Deepak.

In last post we deleted a rac04 node and here we will see how to add back the same to cluster.


1. Attach the home in rac04 (as you have detached home), (optional)

If you have detached the home […]

Managing Grid Infrastructure 12c : Deletion of Node

Hello Readers,

I will be running through a series of Grid Infrastructure tasks like deletion of node, addition of node, serverpools and taf in 12c.

I would like to Thanks & appreciation Mr. Deepak Kumar from Bangalore India, for his nice work in sending this screenshots.

Without his time and effort this would not be […]

Duplicate Standby : Issues & Issues all the way

Well doing,

All the DBA’s using the duplicate database to build a standby database and its proved most of the times it works. But it happens sometimes that it creates a series of issues.

Thanks to our good old DBA Basavaraju (a very long time DBA) for pointing out this series of issues and […]