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OffTopic post : Telugu Website by my teacher

Hello All,

This post is off the topic from Oracle which I generally not do in my blog, But I have to do this as I met my childhood teacher and wondered he has done a great work by creating a website for Telugu and trying to website as a medium to get the popularity for Telugu language. We have a great time with him and we (our childhood friends) had an opportunity to felicitate him in our old students meet up happened on 12-Jan-2014 at Vijayawada.

His name is K.V.S.V Prasad garu, He is well known Telugu teacher and remarkably contributing to the wide spread of the Telugu Language. He's not only attained the master ship in Telugu language but we always admired of his simple and principled living.

Here it is,

This website is so beautiful and attractive, not only that, you can see lot of Telugu related material which can be useful to your kids and of course we can recap our telugu language.

Thanks for reading this..

Geek DBAGeek DBA

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