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12c Database : New Parameters in place

The following are the parameters are introduced newly in 12c. (Note I have compared them with Database)

Excluded _Parameters


select KSPPINM, KSPPDESC from x$ksppi where con_id=1 minus select KSPPINM, KSPPDESC from t2@Geek DBA11g order by 1,2 awr_snapshot_time_offset Setting for AWR Snapshot Time Offset cell_offloadgroup_name Set the offload group name clonedb clone database connection_brokers […]

12c Database : Datapump Enhancements : IMPORT (IMPDP)

Here are the some of enhancements for Import (IMPDP) Disabling Logging for Oracle Data Pump Import

You can now use the DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING Paramaeter to disable logging for table, index or both during import.

Logging is not completely disable but only a small amount is generated. Also don`t forget that there is a database parameter […]

12c Database : Datapump Enhancements (EXPDP)

Here is the list of enhancements for export datapump.


expdp Specifying the Encryption Password

You can now specify silently a password during runtime. When you import a encrypted Dumpfile you can pass the Password for that file from the STDIN. The password will not visible by commands like ps or will not […]

12c Database : SQL Loader Enhancements

From 12c Onwards, Oracle has made some important changes to SQLloader and enhanced a lot, one of the feature was express loading with minimal configuration.

You will just need to create a data file with same name as Table name and thats it no control file or other parameters required.

It just default […]

Oracle Streams Schema Level Replication- Step by step

Hello All,

I have received an email with an attachment about schema level Replication using Oracle Streams, indeed very nice and good Document.

Thanks to Mr. SivaKrishna B for his efforts in preparing this nice and very well structured document , I would like to appreciate his kind gesture to share his document to all of […]

12c Database : Statistics Enhancements : CTAS and Insert as select now comes up with statistics

From 12c Onwards, Oracle statistics gathering has been improvised and after bulk load operations the statistics will be gather automatically. Earlier, Create as select , or Insert as select operations required manual statistics gathering, where in this has been removed now. The following bulk operations is supportive for automatic statistics gather on fly.


12c Database : RMAN Enhancement : Duplicate from Active Database Enhancements

The ACTIVE DUPLICATE DATABASE option in 11g clone the source database by coping the full image of the data files to the auxiliary instance location through the network. This procedure doesn’t not required any pre backup existence to clone the database. However, in Oracle 12c, when ACTIVE DUPLICATE DATABASE is initiated, instead of sending the […]

12c Database : RMAN Enhancement : Rollfoward standby using network service without incremental backups

As discussed, earlier, Another important nice feature in RMAN from 12c is using network based recovery or incremental backup strategy from the servics. This eliminates taking incremental backups or copy those backup to standby and saves lot of time. Lets check, On Primary, check the latest log

Check on Primary

SQL> archive log […]

12c Database : RMAN Enhancement : Restore the datafiles directly from Standby using TNS Service

From 12c Onwards, RMAN has been enhanced to restore/recover the datafiles/tablespaces etc from the network services rather copying them manually. This enhanancement facilitates easy recovery operations when you have standby database without backups or activation etc. YOu can even recover the database from standby using service in RMAN in restore command.

Lets see how […]

12c Database : Step by Step standby creation using RMAN duplicate database

Step by Step standby creation using RMAN duplicate database

This post is about to create a standby database in container enabled database (Just want to check any changes required from previous versions steps) All steps are similar like previous versions except we have to create directory structures for PDB databases otherwise RMAN script will fail […]