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Shrink Space

Just to note if anyone need,

Difference between shrink space/compact/cascade

Shrink space compact -Just moves the rows from end of the table to beginning of the table. Does not drop the high water mark of the table.

Shrink space – Moves the rows from end of the table to the beginning of the table […]

Recreate the trace files if they have been deleted accidentally?

Came across a note to recreate the trace (.trc) files that have been accidentally deleted. But please be noted that information written down before deletion of trace may or may not be available in the new file you have created. However this may help in some cases where the process is still trying to write […]

Quick Question: Does dbms_stats collects stats for invisible indexes

Does dbms_stats collects statistics for invisible indexes?

The answer is yes, Although the invisible indexes does not used by optimizer but they should be ready when it needed, hence the dbms_stats collects the statistics on the invisible indexes too.

Here is small test case.


SQL> select to_char(last_analyzed,’YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’), VISIBILITY  from dba_indexes where index_name=’IDX_MTD’; […]

11gr2 : Parallel Hint

Its more than 3 years 11g has released, still looking or finding something new every day or other.

Today its the Parallel Hint that I came across from the documentation.

Many has already blogged about this, still I am writing the same for my readers and

Until 10g, the parallel hint behaviour is like […]

An oldie: srvconfig 9i rac days, still useful in 11gr2

To Export cluster registry

    $srvconfig -exp file_name

To Import Cluster registry

    $srvconfig -imp file_name

To Upgrade the database cluster registry and database configuration

    $srvconfig -upgrade -dbname database_name -orahome oracle_homename

To Downgrade the database cluster registry and database configuration (This is rarely used in case of any […]

12c Database: New Features List 2

Few more collection of new features with in 12c database in continuation to my earlier post in this category

RMAN Enhancements:-

Recover or copy files from Standby databases Table level restoration i.e object level Incremental recovery more faster, many of the tasks removed

RAC Enhancements:-

TAF is extended to Transactions failover (insert/update/delete)

Dataguard Enhancements:-

Global […]

Do you know about asmdf?

If someone ask you that how to know about asm diskgroups without logging to asm, then answer this. ASM datafile system (ACFS?)

rac2$ asmdf Filesystem        SizeKB     UsedKB           AvailKB              Use%     Mounted on +DATA01        15687104    10959872     4727232           60.56%      DATA01

This works really, but no documentation at all. If some one knows about this let me know.



RAC: Recover lost voting and OCR Disks from backup

We have a lost voting disks issue yesterday, this occurs due to incorrect aliases or the device mapper persistent names have been changed after storage upgradation/migration.

CRS was not up and showing the error below Obviously the CSSD , cssd.log

No voting disks founds

So, we have lost the voting and OCR disks. […]