Came across a note to recreate the trace (.trc) files that have been accidentally deleted. But please be noted that information written down before deletion of trace may or may not be available in the new file you have created. However this may help in some cases where the process is still trying to write the trace where in our job/script has deleted that same trace file.
Here you go for steps:-
1.Find out the process id of the process which was supposed to write trace (ps -ef |grep $ORACLE_SID |grep lms) There can be multiple lms so be sure to find the exact process
2.Login to SQL*plus using "/ as sysdba"
3.SQL>oradebug setospid <PID_from_step_1>
4.SQL>oradebug close_trace
5.SQL>oradebug flush
7.Now check the file in the bdump location, a new file would have been created
Extra caution:-
Oradebug sends an interrupt to the background process so there is always a chance that something could go wrong. The server process may terminate or report an error when when these steps are executed. Therefore it is recommended to use these steps with caution.
Reference:- 394891.1
Geek DBA
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