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Do you know about asmdf?

If someone ask you that how to know about asm diskgroups without logging to asm, then answer this. ASM datafile system (ACFS?)

rac2$ asmdf
Filesystem        SizeKB     UsedKB           AvailKB              Use%     Mounted on
+DATA01        15687104    10959872     4727232           60.56%      DATA01

This works really, but no documentation at all. If some one knows about this let me know.


Geek DBA

3 comments to Do you know about asmdf?

  • Balaji

    I couldn’t find asmdf in my cluster.

    Wonder if its a alias or something like it on your server. Sorry if you already checked it.

    [root@gbl04677 ~]# find / -name “asmdf*” 2>>/dev/null
    [root@gbl04677 ~]# find / -name “asmdf” 2>>/dev/null
    [root@gbl04677 ~]#

  • DRB

    Even i am not able to find in all our env.

    Can you plz crosscheck again.


  • Pramod


    Even could not find “asmdf”.

    Can you confirm with “$ which asmdf” command?