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Find your statistics jobs windows-groups-status etc.

Atleast I found hard checking in many other areas,hence writing this

You may not find the no rows for gather_stats_job in 11g due to the enhancments in maintainence groups.

The collection of statistics along with some other maintainence tasks have been incorporated in to dba auto task admin client procedure

First you need to see whether they auto task admin in database or not.

SQL> SELECT client_name, status, mean_job_duration FROM dba_autotask_client;  2
CLIENT_NAME                                                      STATUS   MEAN_JOB_DURATION
---------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------- 
auto optimizer stats collection                                  ENABLED  +000000000 00:03:25.541666667
auto space advisor                                               ENABLED  +000000000 00:02:28.150000000
sql tuning advisor                                               ENABLED  +000000000 00:45:18.733333333

set linesize 121
col client_name format a35
col consumer_group format a25
col service_name format a15
col window_group format a20
SQL> SELECT client_name, status, consumer_group, window_group FROM dba_autotask_client;

CLIENT_NAME                         STATUS   CONSUMER_GROUP            WINDOW_GROUP
----------------------------------- -------- ------------------------- --------------------
auto optimizer stats collection     ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK_STATS_GROUP  ORA$AT_WGRP_OS
auto space advisor                  ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK_SPACE_GROUP  ORA$AT_WGRP_SA
sql tuning advisor                  ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK_SQL_GROUP    ORA$AT_WGRP_SQ

Note:- If not run, $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsatsk.sql

Drill down to Scheduler window groups


------------------------------ ----- ----------------- -------------------------------------
MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_GROUP       TRUE                  7 07-MAR-13 GB-EIRE    
ORA$AT_WGRP_OS                 TRUE                  7 07-MAR-13 GB-EIRE    
ORA$AT_WGRP_SA                 TRUE                  7 07-MAR-13 GB-EIRE    
ORA$AT_WGRP_SQ                 TRUE                  7 07-MAR-13 GB-EIRE    

Further drill down to scheduler windows

WINDOW_NAME            REPEAT_INTERVAL                          DURATION         ENABL ACTIV
---------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------- -----
MONDAY_WINDOW          freq=daily;byday=MON;byhour=22;byminute= +000 04:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       0; bysecond=0

TUESDAY_WINDOW         freq=daily;byday=TUE;byhour=22;byminute= +000 04:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       0; bysecond=0

WEDNESDAY_WINDOW       freq=daily;byday=WED;byhour=22;byminute= +000 04:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       0; bysecond=0

THURSDAY_WINDOW        freq=daily;byday=THU;byhour=22;byminute= +000 04:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       0; bysecond=0

FRIDAY_WINDOW          freq=daily;byday=FRI;byhour=22;byminute= +000 04:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       0; bysecond=0

SATURDAY_WINDOW        freq=daily;byday=SAT;byhour=6;byminute=0 +000 20:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       ; bysecond=0

SUNDAY_WINDOW          freq=daily;byday=SUN;byhour=6;byminute=0 +000 20:00:00    TRUE  FALSE
                       ; bysecond=0

WEEKNIGHT_WINDOW       freq=daily;byday=MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI;byh +000 08:00:00    FALSE FALSE
                       our=22;byminute=0; bysecond=0

WEEKEND_WINDOW         freq=daily;byday=SAT;byhour=0;byminute=0 +002 00:00:00    FALSE FALSE

Now check the scheduler run details

SQL> select job_name,status,run_duration,log_date from dba_scheduler_job_run_details 
 where job_name like '%ORA%' and rownum 
Note: When the scheduler window started it will create a job name like above 
OS stands for Optimizer Statistics
SQ stands for SQL Tuning Advisory
SA stands for Segment Advisory

JOB_NAME                 STATUS      RUN_DURATION      LOG_DATE
----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_842     SUCCEEDED   +000 00:03:27     06-FEB-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_7       SUCCEEDED   +000 00:00:26     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_SA_SPC_SY_22      SUCCEEDED   +000 00:00:26     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_821     SUCCEEDED   +000 00:03:39     05-FEB-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_SQ_SQL_SW_3       SUCCEEDED   +000 00:50:03     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_21      SUCCEEDED   +000 00:00:35     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_4       SUCCEEDED   +000 00:00:37     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_8       SUCCEEDED   +000 00:00:33     06-JAN-13 +00:00
ORA$AT_SQ_SQL_SW_843     SUCCEEDED   +000 00:56:18     06-FEB-13 +00:00

9 rows selected.


Another way to find scheduler run of your statistics

SQL>  select operation||decode(target,null,null,'-'||target) operation
,to_char(start_time,'YYMMDD HH24:MI:SS.FF4') start_time
,to_char(  end_time,'YYMMDD HH24:MI:SS.FF4') end_time
from dba_optstat_operations where operation='gather_database_stats(auto)'
order by start_time desc

operation(on)                            START_TIME                END_TIME
---------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
gather_database_stats(auto)              130210 18:00:38.0680      130210 18:00:50.3929
gather_database_stats(auto)              130210 14:00:30.2518      130210 14:00:50.9174
gather_database_stats(auto)              130210 10:00:22.7646      130210 10:00:48.2924
gather_database_stats(auto)              130210 06:00:02.7987      130210 06:01:55.7652
gather_database_stats(auto)              130209 06:00:02.7911      130209 06:01:53.6289
gather_database_stats(auto)              130208 22:00:02.5849      130208 22:10:12.5439
gather_database_stats(auto)              130207 22:00:03.0104      130207 22:08:29.8338
gather_database_stats(auto)              130206 22:00:02.9352      130206 22:03:22.9765
gather_database_stats(auto)              130205 22:00:03.2965      130205 22:03:41.3111
gather_database_stats(auto)              130204 22:00:02.4189      130204 22:20:01.9220

Geek DBA

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