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Quick Question: When was the table last modified

Hello All,

In continuation of my previous post,

Quick Question: When is my table last accessed? Does my index is in use?

I have another questions when is my table last modified and what are the ways i can view it.

Here you go,

1) Enabling audit on segment

1)Enable auditing […]

Another good blog: Iordon Iotzov’s

Thanks Iordon Iotzov for showing up here and following this blog.

To my blog readers,

Iordon has many good works and posts under his blog and he has recently presented at HOTSOS about confidence on cardinalities/statistics. You can read it here.

Hotsos Symposium 2013

-Thanks Geek DBA

RAC: Find when the CRS resource was last started or status changes

Finding the CRS resource last modified or started will be very clumpsy when you look at crsd.log or any other logs.

For that use -v flag in crsctl status resource command where you can find some important details like last server , last changed, last restart, internal status etc.

For example:-

[grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl status […]

Script: Shell Script to connect to all databases in a server and change a parameter


When you need to run something like a check of parameter in all databases in a server and if you have more databases, manually doing will be cumbersome.

Here is the script that helps to connect to all databases in a server by reading /etc/oratab (linux) and then change a parameter streams pool to […]

RAC: Restrict Parallel Query processing to local node only

When a query is issued against an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database with multiple nodes, the parallel processes may be spawned on different nodes. This approach is used to ensure that no one node becomes overloaded and that the processing power of all nodes is utilized as efficiently as possible.

However, under certain […]

Is your SGA is > 10gb? Then probably you have to look at huge pages

In Theory:-

HugePages is a feature integrated into the Linux kernel 2.6. It is a method to have larger page size that is useful for working with very large memory. HugePages is useful for both 32-bit and 64-bit configurations. HugePage sizes vary from 2MB to 256MB, depending on the kernel version and the […]

Quick Question: Check for performance issues

Updated answers

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13030], [20],

Learnt new thing today, thanks to my colleague Gagan.

Alert log showing this error, whilst checking the trace shows an update statement into a table which is capturing the sid,serial# from gv$session.

So then why ora-600, As per metalink note:- Ora-00600 [13030], [20] During Update Statement Using V$ tables [ID 1400439.1]

For updates we use […]

Undo backup optimization in 11g

Another little feature in 11g is undo backup optimization.

Prior to Oracle 11g, RMAN always backed up all UNDO with a full backup, including UNDO for committed blocks.

However in 11g, RMAN is able to skip the UNDO information for those blocks that are already committed and exceeded undo_retnention threshold.

This optimization brings in […]

Quick Question: Check for performance issues

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to Satish / Shanawaz for sharing this piece.

What if , if you been assigned on,

A brand new database with new application designed , new tables and short volume of data, asked you to verify the database performance and provide suggestions and recommendations for any improvements. You can assume this is […]